
Discussion in 'The Planted Tank' started by Salty, Sep 24, 2007.

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  1. Salty

    Salty Guest

    I have just planted 10 vallisneria in my 30 gallon tank. I have started 2 CO2 systems. Is there any special care I should know about these plants ? I will eventually introduce fish. Naturally I don't want any that will snack on my plants. I learned that lesson with a silver dollar. Is there any combination of fish that looks nice in a planted tank ?
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  3. Tangster

    Tangster 3reef Sponsor

    Aug 16, 2006

    The corkscrew is as easy of a plan there is to grow and care for.
    Don't over do the CO'2 now.. I always liked the looks of some nice show quality delta tail guppies for color and neon abd cardnial tetras swordtails and sunburst plattys .. Even some nice angels small that is looks nice all plant safe :) I love a pretty planted tank..
  4. Salty

    Salty Guest

    I have 3 medium-sized angels in another tank. I could transfer them, but I want to give the plants a good start before introducing any fish. I thought angels might be hard on plants. What you basicly talking about is a community tank, is it not ?
  5. Tangster

    Tangster 3reef Sponsor

    Aug 16, 2006
    Pretty much a community is the way to go with a tank like that Angels never gave me a problem in a planted tank I ran an amazon type system for a few yrs strong one way flow and lots of tannic acids from a peatmoss filter and Discus some angels and tons of tetras ..Tank was 8ft long looked great.. I may well go back to that one day .. It was as pretty to look at as any marine reef I ever ran.. Different but as nice and pleasing..I think/thought :)
  6. Salty

    Salty Guest

    Sounds great ! I have a small salt water aquarium & I agree with you. A nicely done fresh water aquarium can look just as nice. I guess I just love it all ! I even have a goldfish tank & enjoy them.
  7. Tangster

    Tangster 3reef Sponsor

    Aug 16, 2006
    I work in the coral and aquarium business and was going to put in a litel KOI pond this last summer but never had or wanted to waste the time LOL But like you I like'em all. Always wanted a pond for Koi and some rock work to make a water fall and a creek like bck to the pond And where i work with the corals they do ponds and have all the matereials But I'm lazy LOL maybe next summer ? 8)
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  9. amcarrig

    amcarrig Super Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
    YES?! I have just the spot :)