The Another Yangtze River Victim: the Chinese paddlefish

Discussion in 'Environmental' started by Matt Rogers, Nov 9, 2009.

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  1. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    My guts were wrenched during the building of the Three Gorges Dam that flooded part of the Yangtze river and changed it forever. The Yangtze was home to not only the mysterious Chinese Paddlefish, but freshwater dolphins and thousands of archaeological sites. Not to mention the dam displaced millions of people. :p

    Here is more about the Chinese Paddlefish, read full story here:
    The Yangtze River may have lost another inhabitant: the Chinese paddlefish

    [FONT=verdana,sans-serif,arial]As reported by the BBC last month, a three year quest to find the Chinese paddlefish has revealed not one sighting. The story is remarkably similar to that of December 2006 when a six week expedition failed to find any sign of the baiji.

    Reaching a staggering seven meters, the Chinese paddlefish is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. So little is known about the species that biologists aren't even certain it can properly be referred to as 'freshwater', since the fish may cross between the freshwaters of the Yangtze River to oceanic environments. But no one knows for sure.

    The muddy upper Yangtze in northwestern Yunnan. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler.
    The expedition to find the Chinese paddlefish deployed over 4000 setline and over 900 nets, but couldn't find a single giant fish
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  3. Gexx

    Gexx Giant Squid

    Jun 3, 2009
    Lansing, Michigan
    man i hope it isnt really extinct.
  4. ReefDaily

    ReefDaily Skunk Shrimp

    Nov 2, 2009
    Jersey Shore
    I think I just saw this on "Hooked" a few days ago.

    I can't remember if they caught one- or they showed you one in captivity..

  5. Gresham

    Gresham Great Blue Whale

    Nov 7, 2002
    SF/Monterey Bay Area, CA
    Pretty sure he caught one, or was the River Monsters? Which one is the Brit cathing large fish?