The 375 i told everyone about

Discussion in 'Fish Tank Brands and Kits' started by luvreefs23, Aug 5, 2008.

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  1. gazog

    gazog Kole Tang

    Nov 26, 2007
    Nice freaking tank
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  3. luvreefs23

    luvreefs23 Millepora

    Jan 5, 2008
    Im going to replace the skimmer with a reeflo orca 250 i believe and redo the 2000watts of lighting that bad boy has above it. I have to redo the refugium cause its growing turf algae and the stand its sitting on is very poor. Gotta install the spectrapure liter meter 3 thats been collecting dust for the last 3 weeks so i can have 50 gallons of water automatically changed a week and replace the electric guzzling swimming pool pump thats running now with a hammerhead to name a few things. LOL
    1 person likes this.
  4. luvreefs23

    luvreefs23 Millepora

    Jan 5, 2008
    Hes sick of it looking blah, not much to see and every coral he tries dies due to lack of attention....not enuf water changes and needs upgraded skimmer etc. Im involved now and have gotten the phosphates that were at 3 (salifert test kit) down to 0 and nitrates which were absolutlely off the charts to about 80 (salifert test kit) and ive changed about 350 - 400 gallons of water in the last 3-4 weeks. Corals are starting to expand and perk up that are in there so everything is going good so far....long weekends ahead for some of the more major changes tho.
  5. cuttingras

    cuttingras Starving Artist :)

    Apr 17, 2007
    Louisville, GA
    Wow that thing is awesome and that basement is bigger than my whole house! dern!!!!!! Karma to ya for tackling it and having the brains to pull it all off! Keep up the pics and the good work!
  6. luvreefs23

    luvreefs23 Millepora

    Jan 5, 2008
    lol, thats the small end of basement. other side of that wall has ping pong table & main part of basement has a 20 x 30 bedroom, home theater room, pool table and air hockey oh and dont forget a bathroom the size of most peoples living rooms
  7. PharmrJohn

    PharmrJohn The Dude

    Jun 29, 2008
    Shelton, Washington
    Wow. I mean, Wow. I think I am more impressed with what you have in your basement than your actual tank. Nothing against the tank. It's beautiful. But that basement is AWESOME. I just showed a pic to my wife and mentioned that, "This is my goal.". Man I love to mess with her. You should have seen the look on her face!!! I am in trouble now.

    Maybe when I retire, I will upgrade to something like that. I have 20 years to save up.

    Good job dude(ette)...and how long did it take you to put all that together?

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  9. cuttingras

    cuttingras Starving Artist :)

    Apr 17, 2007
    Louisville, GA
  10. cannedmulder

    cannedmulder Teardrop Maxima Clam

    Jun 11, 2008
    Redmond OR
    Do you get to do what you want to his tank with his money? That would be ideal except it isn't in your house to look at all the time!!
  11. luvreefs23

    luvreefs23 Millepora

    Jan 5, 2008
    Its actually not my tank, i didnt do the filtration in the basement. In my opinion its poorly executed, its alot of pretty good stuff but i would have done it differently. Ive been called in to fix it...its alot more work to fix something someone else did than it is to start fresh but im happy to have taken on the challenge. I estimate for me to redo or start from scratch on something like that it would take me 4 or 5 straight days with all the tools and equipment at my disposal. Im taking this one day/visit at a time. Im not sure most retired people could afford this tank even cashing their 20 year old 401ks out. I estimate its 400 a month in electricity to run this tank alone. 2 weeks ago i dropped 1200 bux on a controlled and 2 tunzes alone. lol Ill try to keep everyone updated as i clean her up
  12. luvreefs23

    luvreefs23 Millepora

    Jan 5, 2008
    Pretty much, make recommendations and ask what preferences what kind of fish and inverts and types of coral and try to base what i would do to the tank if it were mine and those were my goals.