Tell us your story, how did you get into this hobby

Discussion in 'Eshopps Inc.' started by eshopps, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. eshopps

    eshopps 3reef Sponsor

    Oct 3, 2009
    Is this passion, or addiction?

    We know aquarium is more than a hobby, and we always want to know your story with your tank.
    Tell us how you started and who brought you into this industry? Is it your family, friends, or is it a picture of perfect tank?

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  3. Corailline

    Corailline Super Moderator

    Sep 8, 2010
    It is a dry heat, yeah right !
    It's both a passion and an addiction for me.

    Quite simply I am in awe of the creatures we keep.

    As with a lot of the old timers my interest in the hobby started with FW. When I was old enough to carry a container that held water, if there was a creek or a lake I was there and collecting.
    Once I made my way to Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco and saw first hand what I had only seen previously on Jacque Cousteau I was hooked and have been ever since. I kept tanks all through college, even private schools.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
    Dman, nightster and mdbostwick like this.
  4. rcflyer1388

    rcflyer1388 Bubble Tip Anemone

    Jan 28, 2013
    Queens, NYC
    My addiction started because of an ex. Helped her do research and set up a tank for aquatic turtles and then I stumbled upon saltwater and coral and fell in love. 3reef was a majority of my research that I did to learn about the hobby. 2 years later, the fish stayed and she left so I went from a 55 gal to a 90 gal and it's been a game of tug and war with my wallet since lol :)
    mdbostwick and Corailline like this.
  5. FeedYourMachine

    FeedYourMachine Feather Duster

    May 31, 2014
    Treasure Lake PA
    Definitely a little of both!
    As a kid my father had a buddy who had a saltwater tank and i would just sit and stare in awe for hours.
    I always remembered how super clean and white everything was ..
    This was back in the late 70 's early 80's when people back then took out all the dead coral skeletons/rocks and scrubbed em clean every few days ..Obvious things have changed LOL..But yeah,,i knew back then i would someday have a little piece of the ocean in my living room too.Now some many years later i do..Set up my first 75 gallon in 2005,been upgraded every couple years since..
    I guess thats where the addition starts..I'm just never happy with the tank size(are any of us though) ..Really want a 12 footer some day!
    I love the attention it gets too..I really like when my kids bring friends over and they just go nuts over it!
    Billme, mdbostwick and Corailline like this.
  6. mdbostwick

    mdbostwick Vlamingii Tang

    Feb 21, 2013
    Canton OH
    My story started when I was driving around and saw a store called the reef warehouse. I went in to check it out. Up to that point i thought you had to be loaded to be able to keep a SW tank and FW fish never appealed to me. So i bought a book to learn about keeping them, and my wife bought me a tank for christmas one year. When we moved and I had to give it up for a while i still kept most everything because i wanted to set it up again when we got somewhere a little more permanent. I decided when my wife made put my dog up for adoption is when i guilted her into letting me reboot. Now, if we move I will be making sure i find some LFSs near before I ok any new locations. ;)
    Billme, Corailline and rcflyer1388 like this.
  7. SkyFire

    SkyFire Clown Trigger

    Jan 31, 2010
    Sacramento CA
    I've always loved the ocean and aquatic critters. As a kid my brother and I would go to the creek and catch (and release) crawdads and catch polywogs/tadpoles and put them in our wading pool. Later we went to the Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco and I wanted so much to have a piece of the ocean (but back then it was expensive). Later as a teen my cousin had a Lionfish and again I wanted a saltwater tank but the parents said no. :(
    When my kids were little I looked into saltwater again but was still pricey so settled on fresh.
    Finally in 2010 I looked into saltwater tanks again, found 3Reef and dived in, starting out with a 10 gallon nano which was quickly upgraded to a 29 gal., adding the 46 gallon soon after. I'm in the process of upgrading yet again :D
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2014
    Billme and Corailline like this.
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  9. eshopps

    eshopps 3reef Sponsor

    Oct 3, 2009
    It's so much fun sharing all these stories! We want more;)
  10. Billme

    Billme Eyelash Blennie

    Sep 9, 2013
    Bakersfield, Ca
    My wife wanted a salt water aquarium for years. So, about a year ago she bought me a tank for my birthday.
    Corailline likes this.
  11. RoloSaez

    RoloSaez Millepora

    Mar 10, 2013
    Wesley Chapel Fl
    I was always amazed by aquariums as a child. My Uncle has always had an aquarium and I've had freshwater aquariums all my life. When we were expecting our first child in 2002 I knew we weren't going to ever be able to buy anything for ourselves so I made a last purchase. Go big or go home right. So I purchased a 125G aquarium and stand and been slowly building it up to a reef system in 12 years time. Now with two children I expect to have a full blown reef system by 2027...... That's when I will be kid free. Hopefully they will be in college making lots of money ;). It's always been an addiction of mine. I also knew that when ever babies cry the aquarium will always sooth them. So My daughters now 12 and 5 are both very much into the hobby as I am. When ever I say I'm headed to the LFS they will drop whatever they are doing and are at the car waiting to go. Water changes, feeding, new additions they are always happy to help. The occasional toilet burial not so fun but they now understand.

    Attached Files:

    rcflyer1388, Matt Rogers and Billme like this.
  12. oldfishkeeper

    oldfishkeeper Giant Squid

    Aug 13, 2012
    that picture is priceless
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