Success - my story

Discussion in 'Fish Diseases' started by artspeaker, Oct 30, 2009.

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  1. artspeaker

    artspeaker Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Nov 2, 2008
    Laguna Hills, CA
    During the last month I have had two "separate" cases of fish getting sick. First my lunare wrasse was sluggish and his stomach inverted. I tried various methods (including soaking the food in garlic) to get him to eat with no success. A little over a week later, my porcupine puffer came down with fin and tail rot. Two treatments of Maracyn and another with tetracycline left my water an ugly yellow , but puffer's fins and tails had not improved and he was hiding from everything.

    Then my LFS suggested I try Para Guard. They didn't carry it, but he suggested that I find it on the web or at another store. (That's a mensch). No where have I read that this medicine should be specifically used for fin and tail rot, but he assured my it was the best medication he has found. Within a week, not only had my puffer's fin and tail rot started to heal, but both he and lunare wrasse (remember him) were out in the open swimming around and eating.

    That's my story. I hope it helps someone else. :cheesy:
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  3. steve wright

    steve wright Super Moderator

    Feb 17, 2009
    shenzhen Guangdong PRC
    congrats artspeaker

    its nice to read a story with a happy ending when it comes to fish with problems

    great post

  4. mikejrice

    mikejrice 3reef Affiliate

    May 24, 2009
    That's an awesome LFS to tell you to find a product somewhere else. K+ to them if they were on here.