Still learning....

Discussion in 'Diseases' started by arthur, Jul 3, 2016.

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  1. arthur

    arthur Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Aug 11, 2014
    I'm asking you guys for advice. I have been reefing for almost 15 years. during that timeI went from 5 to 15 to 55 to 90 to 125 and now I downgraded to 40. I always quarantined Fishes. With corals sometimes quarantine, always dipp. I have been pretty lucky all those years. After my downgrade a year ago, tank was doing great but last couple months not really. I also was so busy at work, which didn't help. It is SPS dominated tank. I bought some Corals from fellow reefers and I think I introduced Parasites. I goes my dipp wasn't good enough and didn't kill them all. I lost all Montiporas and basically all my SPS are not happy, slowly dying. So I must have Montipora Nudis, Flat Worms or other bothering my Acros and others... :(. I was always so bad in recognizing them. Im sure thats the problem. My parameters are always stable and they have been always happy and growing in my big tank and also after move... My parameters. Salinity 0.026 PH 8.3 Alk. 8 Cal. 450 MG 1450 Nitrate 5 Phosfate 0.001 What should I do? Keep dipping them? What is the best dipp now? Predator Fishes to help ( Six Line Wrasse), other methods? I'm almost ready to give up on SPS now change it to Easier Corals but it is so sad to look at them now... Thanks for future advice. Art
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  3. Zissou

    Zissou Fire Shrimp

    Dec 22, 2005
    Central Coast, CA
    I like the six line wrasse as an option since dipping the whole tank is not happening, but what is the other livestock like? I've had wrasses that became bullies to other fish.
  4. Swisswiss

    Swisswiss Caribbean Reef Squid

    Jul 25, 2011
    Geneva Switzerland
    there is that + no guarentee it will consume the targeted pest...more so since we dont actually know what they are yet (a picture could maybe help IDing)....I had a 6 line once to try and combat rust flatworms but it didnt help
    Mr. Bill likes this.
  5. arthur

    arthur Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Aug 11, 2014
    Yes I know. Whole those years I avoided those Fishes. Heard lot of horror stories about them... so... I got one today... what I'm doing this??? Hope for the best. Maybe I'm just beeing frustrated that I have more problems with small tank then I had for years with big one... Anyway, I know that only Fish is noy the solution for that problem. I still have to dipp those corals. What dipp would you suggest for SPS. I always used Bayer. Anything better? Sorry for long story and thanks for futute advices. Apriciate it. Art
  6. arthur

    arthur Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Aug 11, 2014
    Maybe tomorrow before dipp I'll try to take some pic's
  7. DSC reef

    DSC reef Giant Squid

    Dec 16, 2012
    Cocoa, Florida
    Take some pics. Can't treat without a diagnosis and can't give a diagnosis without know what your up against. Throwing hail Mary's isn't the solution for this problem.
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  9. Mr. Bill

    Mr. Bill Native Floridian

    May 28, 2011
    Small tanks can be a bit trickier with SPS corals. Parameters, including temp, nitrate, phosphate, etc, etc must be stable. SPS also demand pristine water quality which can be difficult to maintain with smaller systems, especially if you're feeding fish and inverts in the same tank. It can be done, but it takes diligence. As for a coral dip, Coral Rx is a popular favorite among aquarists.
    Vinnyboombatz and DSC reef like this.
  10. arthur

    arthur Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Aug 11, 2014
    Best I can do... Belive it or not it was part of my Neon Green Birds nest that I had for 10 years and other is Tenuis...

    Attached Files:

  11. Swisswiss

    Swisswiss Caribbean Reef Squid

    Jul 25, 2011
    Geneva Switzerland
    I dont see any parasites, this could mean its related to your water chemistry and or lights? how old are the test kits you use?
    Mr. Bill likes this.
  12. arthur

    arthur Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Aug 11, 2014
    O man.... I'm using Salifert test's. None of them reach expiration date yet. So it could be a diffrent problem??? Now Im stunt...