Son's16 Gallon Bow Front Build

Discussion in 'Freshwater Fish Tanks' started by sticksmith23, Sep 24, 2011.

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  1. sticksmith23

    sticksmith23 Giant Squid

    Jun 1, 2011
    Greenville, SC
    My son (11 yrs old) had a 14 gallon freshwater tank in his bedroom, but the window was just in the wrong place to have a tank in his room and the algae was uncontrollable. Another problem was that my 3.5 and 2 yrs olds were always playing in it lol. Tonight I set the 16 gallon bow front that used to be my saltwater tank up in the living room so the kids cant play in it.

    Currently it just has his 3 guppies and 3 neon tetras in it. It has blue (his favorite color) gravel for substrate and the Aqueon Power Filter 20 on it with no light. The filter came as part of the 14 gallon kit. I also have a 50 watt heater in there.

    I don't currently have any plans for this setup right now until he tells me what he wants. I would love to make it a planted tank, but we will see. He really likes sponge bob, so I'm sure it will have that theme lol. I will try to get some pics up tomorrow.
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  3. coylee_17

    coylee_17 Fire Goby

    Sep 7, 2008
    Peterborough, Ontario, Can
    I think its great getting the kids a tank to play with! k+
    Now where are the PICS!!!!!! lol
  4. sticksmith23

    sticksmith23 Giant Squid

    Jun 1, 2011
    Greenville, SC
    Here are some pics I took real quick. I will get some better ones in a little while.






    I'm just waiting for him to get home from his dad's (I'm his step dad) so he can tell me how to arrange it, or he can do it himself if wants lol.
  5. bearrock

    bearrock Astrea Snail

    Sep 8, 2011
    Your post cracked me up! I was about 5 when I fed flaked bleach to my fathers very expensive fish. He still does not find it nearly as funny as I do.

    After having to clean everything in the tank he allowed me help set it up and from then on I have had a tank. Start them young and you will have something to share and talk about for a lifetime.
  6. Arosereed

    Arosereed Astrea Snail

    Jul 8, 2012
    This just made me think of the scene in Jungle 2 Jungle where the tribal kid eats the guys really expensive fish ! Hahaha that's adorable, kids are so great! Btw way I think it's great you are letting him help set it up! That will mean a lot to him ;) can I get an awwwww?
  7. SkyFire

    SkyFire Clown Trigger

    Jan 31, 2010
    Sacramento CA
    Cool, lucky kid.