Something's Gone Awry

Discussion in 'ASAP' started by ReefSparky, Sep 4, 2008.

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  1. geekdafied

    geekdafied 3reef Sponsor

    Oct 25, 2006
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  3. bmshehan

    bmshehan Fu Manchu Lion Fish

    Jan 4, 2008
    Columbus, Indiana
    IMO I highly doubt that is the culprit, heck I use windex to clean the glass on my aquarium and have had no problem whatsoever! I just spray it onto a cloth in another room then wipe it down, no problems at all!
  4. ReefSparky

    ReefSparky Super Moderator

    Nov 27, 2007
    South Florida
    Same here. Might sound crazy, but I've been spraying Windex directly on my glass for over 20 yrs. with no problems. I hold the bottle, pointing downward about a foot away from the tank, spraying right towards the vertical middle of the glass. I can see none of the spray enters the water.
  5. scenario1313

    scenario1313 Tassled File Fish

    Jul 19, 2008
    Athens, GA
    Have you made any progress with the pumps sparky
  6. scenario1313

    scenario1313 Tassled File Fish

    Jul 19, 2008
    Athens, GA
    Updates. I need Updates. I have been following "As The Reef Turns" and I need to know that you have it all better now. I hope all is well Sparky.
  7. ReefSparky

    ReefSparky Super Moderator

    Nov 27, 2007
    South Florida
    Not yet, scenario.

    Thanks for the well wishes. As fate would have it, I'm on a new job working 5-10's, which would ordinarily not be so bad, but it's more than an hour away. Without spelling out the details, I get up real early. I get home pretty late, my wife has forgotten what I look like, and since I have the old 55 going, my reef tank is kind-of on the back burner until the weekend comes. I've moved my corals to the 55, and they're no longer dying. Soon I'll get this all sorted out, but not today. :(
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  9. scenario1313

    scenario1313 Tassled File Fish

    Jul 19, 2008
    Athens, GA
    Well glad to hear they are not dieing and I know how you feel about the long hours at work. I just got cut back to 6 - 10's instead of 7 - 10's. Woo Hoo. I hate the long hours but money is good and need it for gas now to get back to work. Viscious cycle.
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  10. jcdillin

    jcdillin Spaghetti Worm

    Jan 24, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Wow, I just read this whole thread pretty crazy stuff.

    I don't know if it's of any help but I do have a spare return pump you could use if you wanted to try that theory out. Anything else I can do i'd be happy to help.
  11. Tangster

    Tangster 3reef Sponsor

    Aug 16, 2006
    I do the same always have used Windex all my life and I figure if a little should hit the water ? its just a little ammonia and water dye and if my system could not handle the little ammonia then I have a issue the carbon will pull any inert ingredients .. I don't try and squirt it into a system But if any does ever get in its never caused a issue. To get heavy salt film off I'll take Boo Peep and water and wipe it down a few times a yr to cut that haze off totally. I use ammonia on the tile /and ceramic floors any old time never a problem with that either.. I figure I can breath it the fish are on their own :)

    I still think your problem is either electricial and or copper and water contact in the system ? Have you taken a Ohm meter and ring the leads from the water surface ? Put a probe in the water and then touch the spades on the pumps plugs to see if their is any resistance ? I have seen and we lost a entire system a few yrs ago when the epoxy seal cracked on the skimmer pump. It even killed the bryopsis I have been fighting Huum with I had the pump back now LOL
  12. ReefSparky

    ReefSparky Super Moderator

    Nov 27, 2007
    South Florida
    A small update. I set aside today to begin the removal of the sand. I used a long piece of 1/2" tubing, and set to work. I first made 30 gallons of new SW with RO/DI water and Instant Ocean salt. This water will be to replace the water removed while sucking out the sand.

    I've placed all my LR on one side of the tank, and the corals are all out of the 90, and in the 55.

    I've sucked out about half the tank's sand, on the right side. The siphon works very well, removing sand and its related silt without fouling up the water too badly. I'll give it a few hours to clear up so I don't stress the fish too badly; while I dispose of the old sand, and get ready to do it all again on the left side.

    I'll keep you all posted.