Running multiple skimmers on 1 tank

Discussion in 'Protein Skimmers' started by Jay1982, May 13, 2012.

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  1. Jay1982

    Jay1982 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Apr 9, 2012
    Montreal, Canada
    So I have been extremely content with my ASM G3 skimmer on my 135 gallon for the last 6 years. I was planning on upgrade for about 2014-2015 in which I would go as small as 500g and as large as 1000g. A neighbor of mine is getting out of the hobby and is selling a reef octopus extreme 300 and a hurricone category 2; each for 200 bucks. They've been in operation for about a year on his 2 tanks.

    Looking at brand new prices of skimmers this seems to be a good deal. So I was wondering; since the extreme 300 is rated for about 325 gallons, and the hurricone is about 350. Would I be able to run the hurricone, Extreme, and ASM instead of getting 1 huge skimmer? I wouldn't have a problem with space (my sump will be my 135) and I would think that having 3 skimmers is ideal because if one fails than I still have time to get it fixed while running at 60% efficiency.

    I read the sticky and it didn't say anything about multiple skimmers.

    Thanks guys
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  3. chelseagrin

    chelseagrin Fire Goby

    Dec 13, 2011
    its pointless to have more than 1 skimmer on a tank really. i wouldnt run more than 2 that would complicate things a bit.
  4. Jay1982

    Jay1982 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Apr 9, 2012
    Montreal, Canada
    I would agree that running more than 1 over powered skimmer is pointless; but since all 3 skimmers I mentioned are rated for less volume than what I am planning would the second (and or 3rd) pick up the slack. I wouldn't have them all lined up but placed at opposite ends of the sump with separate plumbing leading to their compartment.

    Or am I looking at this the wrong way and an inefficient skimmer is simply an inefficient skimmer? The reason I'm running multiple is to drastically save on cash (300 dollars vs. the 1000 dollar skimmer I would need if I were to run just 1).
  5. Eyelash Blennie

    May 17, 2011
    Jay, as far as effectiveness I do not see why there would be a difference. What I do see, is that 3 skimmers will pull a lot more energy then one. Also, if the power went out there would be a lot more water heading back into the sump. Interesting thought though, I have wondered the same thing
  6. chelseagrin

    chelseagrin Fire Goby

    Dec 13, 2011
    i dont know i have only bought one skimmer ever in my reefing carreer as i dont usually use them. but im sure you can find a reasonably priced skimmer rated for your size of tank. check craigslist i always see great deals on there.
  7. Jay1982

    Jay1982 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Apr 9, 2012
    Montreal, Canada
    Thanks Tom; well in terms of a power outage I wouldn't have a problem. My tank is hooked up to a generator as a failsafe ;D but an interesting note none the less that I should incorporate during the plan.

    As for effectiveness that is my main focus; energy consumption is a factor as well but from preliminary calculations it would seem that; based off what I pay for electricity I would only end up spending extra money after 8 years of operation. During that time I would probably have the money for a single skimmer; sell the 3 and make back some cash on the deal. As long as people don't see a performance issue then it would look like I am good to go (hopefully).

    Chelsea, I as well have only ever owned 1 skimmer and to be quite honest am so unfamiliar with some of the higher end skimmers that I am at a complete loss. I rarely see any deals and nothing close to as good as what I am being offered now which is why I am eager to jump on it. But I really want to check this out with you guys before I purchase something that is inadequate. :)
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  9. Surfin C

    Surfin C Astrea Snail

    Sep 7, 2012
    Huntsville, Alabama
    Id jump on it I'm with you on the effectiveness wouldn't it be the same if not better since your pulling water out of 3 different areas of the sump instead of one? Correct me if I'm wrong
  10. skurious

    skurious Sailfin Tang

    Jun 22, 2009
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    What if the skimmers need to operate at different water levels since they are different brands?

    To me it just seems like wasted space and wasted energy. One really good skimmer, will only use so many watts of power (depending on model) and will only 1 skimmer will need cleaned and maintained rather than 3.

    however, those prices are really good for those used skimmers.
  11. FatBastad

    FatBastad Zoanthid

    Feb 28, 2012
    this is a really interesting question...
    In theory, I would ASSuME that 3, 1/3 size skimmers would total to get the job done.

    I imagine a skimmer for a 1000gal tank is quite pricy, and finding one used on CList is pretty much outta the question!

    Do it just to be different!
  12. reefclown

    reefclown Plankton

    Sep 12, 2012
    FWIW, I run two skimmers for different reasons, one takes surface skimmed water and the other takes water from the lower parts of the tank, it's how i configured the weirs when the tank was built. I think it provides a lot more potential in terms of what you can tune. It also provides a level of redundancy in case one of them goes up the shoot!