Regal tang has ich help asap..

Discussion in 'ASAP' started by elweshomayor, Feb 28, 2010.

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  1. elweshomayor

    elweshomayor Giant Squid

    Jul 6, 2009
    Norcross, Atlanta Ga.
    My blue regal tang has ich, his body is covered in it..
    Should I do a fresh water dip? Mom said he ate normally today as he acts normally.. Only difference are the spots in his body.

    Should I just let it be? Same thing happened to my yellow tang when first added but he got better, will the same happen for my hippo?

    Any suggestions? Don't feel like loosing a fish now. :-/
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  3. slickcg33

    slickcg33 Astrea Snail

    Dec 2, 2008
  4. elweshomayor

    elweshomayor Giant Squid

    Jul 6, 2009
    Norcross, Atlanta Ga.
    Ok.. Ill read those any Other suggestions?
  5. hardyreef

    hardyreef Flamingo Tongue

    Jan 24, 2010
    My regal had ich but i just put in some ich away and it was gone in an hour
  6. slickcg33

    slickcg33 Astrea Snail

    Dec 2, 2008
    Anyone who suggests anything other than Hyposalinity or Copper treatment, are uninformed on Marine Ich. Any other treatments suggested wont cure the disease, only disguise it, or improve fish health so they can "deal" with it. These are the only true cures.

    A quote from one of the links I posted "2. Only time a human can see this parasite with the naked eye is when it is ‘pregnant’ on the fish and has formed a white nodule. (The white spot is about the size of a grain of table salt or sugar)."
    This is what things like freshwater dips and chemical products like KICK ICH "cure" the visual aspect. The fish still have the disease, and will always have it until cured by one of the methods posted above. The fish can learn to deal with it (not recommended) with a good diet and great water parameters, but any time something gets stressed, or there is a new addition to the tank, it will show up.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010
  7. kcbrad

    kcbrad Giant Squid

    Aug 28, 2009
    Seattle, WA
    Unless you treat with copper the ich will always be in your tank. But, if you keep the water perfect and your fish healthy, the ich shouldn't bother them. Ich infects stressed fish. Since the ich is already in your tank, I would leave the tang be and make sure he keeps eating healthy food (maybe up your feedings) and keep up with water changes.
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  9. slickcg33

    slickcg33 Astrea Snail

    Dec 2, 2008
    Copper OR hyposalinity..... and you cant do either treatment in the display tank, it will kill everything besides fish. You must take the fish out and treat in a hospital tank. Leave the display tank fishless for at least 8 weeks. Those articles I posted are great reads for anyone who wants to further their knowledge on the subjects of Marine Ich.
  10. elweshomayor

    elweshomayor Giant Squid

    Jul 6, 2009
    Norcross, Atlanta Ga.
    well taking all my fish out of my tank is out of the question.. since i have no other place for them and its just a hassle over 160lbs or rock. i doubt 100% i can catch this fish either.. so what ive decided to do right now is just let it be and hope for the best.... if it gets any worse ill try to do a fresh water dip. * salinity of 1.010 or so rather than 0 so that its less stressful*. i think ive read that red gambit does the same with his fish when they get bad.

    one question though.. how long is a freshwater dip?
  11. WuWu

    WuWu Feather Star

    Sep 24, 2009
    Just get some cleaner shrimp and don't stress him also couldent hurt to feed somthing to boost his immune system
  12. slickcg33

    slickcg33 Astrea Snail

    Dec 2, 2008
    I wouldnt recommend a freshwater dip unless its seriously a bad infestation, because unless done perfectly it can stress the fish out even more and lead to more problems... even that requires you to catch the fish though..... so ?

    If you dont plan on doing one of the suggested treatments, Try to boost the fishes health with quality food, some garlic, and very stable water paramiters.

    If you want to read up on freshwater dips;
    Freshwater Dip Process - Reef Sanctuary