Reef Breeders $40 off SALE!!!

Discussion in 'Reef Breeders' started by Reef Breeders, Jul 14, 2014.

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  1. Reef Breeders

    Reef Breeders 3reef Sponsor

    Nov 22, 2010
    Hi everyone, we are making the move to larger warehouses in California and New Jersey, and are in the process of clearing out our Shelton warehouse to make room for more wave-makers. To help clear some inventory, we will be running a $40 off sale on all Photons, but only for the first 15-25 people to use the coupon code.

    The Coupon codes and the lights they apply to are below. The value fixtures are $20 off with the code. Note: the sale does not apply to custom lights.

    Value Fixtures: Use the code 20offValue for $20 off for the first 25 orders

    Photon 16: Use the code 40offP16 for $40 off the first 25 orders

    Photon 24: Use the code 40offP24 for $40 off the first 25 orders

    Photon 32: Use the code 40offP32 for $40 off the first 25 orders

    Photon 48: Use the code 40offP48 for $40 off the first 25 orders

    You can buy the lights from our website here: