razataz 75g use to be a 90g

Discussion in 'Show Off Your Fish Tanks!' started by razataz, Dec 22, 2011.

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  1. razataz

    razataz Bristle Worm

    Jan 31, 2010
    Georgetown tx
    Got me a Florida Fighting conch that guy is pretty cool
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  3. razataz

    razataz Bristle Worm

    Jan 31, 2010
    Georgetown tx
    Finally got my vertex n-100 skimmer going I put an tunze skimmer pump on it. Seems to have a lot finner bubbles then the original pump did but that's a good thing.

    My wife new I wanted a Yellow tang and a Kole tang so see surprised me with them. So I have a pair of clowns and a pair of yellow tail damsels a Kole tang,Yellow tang and an engineer goby I hope 7 fish are not pushing my system this early in the game
  4. razataz

    razataz Bristle Worm

    Jan 31, 2010
    Georgetown tx
    Have not updated in a while I got an Coral Beauty and banggai cardinalfish to finish out my fish list.

    No to the bad news both my clowns got some kind of fungal disease they both had white film on them and their tales looked like the Had cotton all over them. So I treated with API Melafix and Primafix in the tank. My female clown looks good as new. The male clown no longer has cotton fungus on him but has a couple of bubbles underneath him now cant figure it out all the other fish doing great.
  5. razataz

    razataz Bristle Worm

    Jan 31, 2010
    Georgetown tx
    Now the really bad news my daughter woke me up at 3 A.M. to tell me the floor was wet by my tank. I went in to find the 90 gallon tank dripping water at a very alarming rate talking about mad an scared I was fixing to flood the whole room with 90 gallons of water not a good felling. lucky I had my 20 still and put fish in there and a 55 gallon drum for the rock and water. The bottom seal is leaking on the tank.

    What I night I thought my wife was going to kill me ( she does not care for my tank obsession) to my surprise she was on line at 4 A.M. wanting to no my local reef forums and craigslist looking for a replacement now that was a surprise.

    We found a replacement The bad news is nobody had an 90 but found plenty of 75's we were in a bind so we got a 75 with and glass holes overflow.
  6. billielewis3

    billielewis3 Gigas Clam

    Oct 5, 2011
    Norwich CT
    awe man that sucks! sorry to hear that, but at least you ahve vigilant daughters to warm you about things before the whole thing leaked out.
  7. razataz

    razataz Bristle Worm

    Jan 31, 2010
    Georgetown tx
    Yes I agree sucks bad
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  9. razataz

    razataz Bristle Worm

    Jan 31, 2010
    Georgetown tx
    One thang I like about the 75 is the gh overflow I never realize how much space a reef reedy tank overflow took So my next 90 will differantly have a gh overflow. I need to get a pic of the 75 up
  10. SnooknRedz

    SnooknRedz Vlamingii Tang

    Sep 4, 2010
    Melbourne FL
    Wow, sorry for the set backs. those are a real pita. I too have a 75 with gh overflow. Did you do the returns as well?
  11. razataz

    razataz Bristle Worm

    Jan 31, 2010
    Georgetown tx
    Wow been a while since I up dated no I did not get the returns with the tank I have them mounted threw the back of the canopy.

    But to the bad news my Wife and I went out of town in April 2012 and my daughter called to tell me one of my clowns died then in about two hours all of my fish where gone something wiped out all my fish except my engineering goby but none of my snails died I thought I was done with this hobby but my wife talked me into staying in it to my surprise She is not into this hobby with me.

    I waited a a few months keeping tank going and finally took the plunge and ordered my fish this time from LiveAquaria and its been going good since July we lost one the clowns not sure why one day we had two next day could not find the other I guess things like this happens.
  12. razataz

    razataz Bristle Worm

    Jan 31, 2010
    Georgetown tx
    it sucks that there are so many cool fish out there. I want to add a few more to my tank 2 wrasses but I think I'm already maxed out what do you think
    I now have 8 fish since I lost one of my clowns

    1 clown
    1 yellow tang
    1 engineer goby
    1 royal gramma
    1 midas blenny
    1 bicolor blenny
    1 blue green chromis
    1 pink spotted goby