radion biocube 29.

Discussion in 'LED Aquarium Lighting' started by thehammer1985, Feb 8, 2015.

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  1. thehammer1985

    thehammer1985 Plankton

    Sep 13, 2013
    Hey everyone I'm at a loss for the best full spectrum choices for my biocube. Steves and rapid seem to be leaving out a little bit and I know I could combine them and get all the colors. If any one has a good arrangement let me know I want growth and my corals to pop money isn't an issue. I've even considered putting an ecotech radion in my hood (yes I have to keep the jood) . Or even ordering gen 3 pucks and putting them in somehow ( not sure if this is possible) . Anyways I really appreciate all the help. Just looking for answers radion yes or no. If not pucks yes or no. And if not what is the best color and arrangement for the biocube hood I could possibly have .