Quick Cure for Ick

Discussion in 'Diseases' started by jeeprider, Mar 23, 2009.

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  1. jeeprider

    jeeprider Astrea Snail

    Mar 18, 2009
    Has anyone used this product for Ick ( white spots )? I've checked some o the reviews for this and I've seen 15 out of 15 recommends using this. My Blue Tang and other fish now have ich. I'm worried I may lose them all I want to stop this soon. If quick cure does not work I'll try copper next. I just don't know how to administer it? Any advice?!?!?!?!?!
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  3. GAZBO

    GAZBO Fire Shrimp

    Jan 24, 2009
    Wenatchee Wa
    do you have QT? Is there corals in the tank your treating?
  4. Jason McKenzie

    Jason McKenzie Super Moderator

    Mar 23, 2003
    Vancouver, BC,Canada
    Copper is the only cure I've ever had 100% cure. But this must be administered outside your display tank. As copper will kill your Live Rock. Most of the treatments that can be used in a reef are hit and miss depending on the outbreak.

    The biggest factor is what caused the out break? Eliminate the cause and you may not need to treat them.
    Usual causes are: Over crowding, poor water quality, Low nutrient food

  5. Dr.Fragenstein

    Dr.Fragenstein Panda Puffer

    Oct 30, 2008
    SE Wisconsin
    Quick cure works great. It is malachite green based and will nuke ich or weaker cases of flukes. There is reprocussions though..... It WILL stain, clothes, carpet, silicone seals, light rock such as tufa and other materials. It definitely isn't reef safe and will kill coral and other inverts.
    Copper like Jason stated is darn near 100% successful, if you catch it early enough, use tht proper dosage and so on. I will be honest, I am a copper guy. Just like I have made it my goal to prove T5s can light big tanks I am out to prove that Cu can be used in DTs(w/o inverts in it) and be removed and have the inverts replaced in the tank.
    About 2 years ago, I had a 125 that was essentially a FO tank... It had snails, crabs and star polyps. I added a emperor angel that after about 2 weeks came down with ick. I fed him like crazy and did all the natural remedies I knew. Then the flame angel and purple tang got it.... SO I took out all the inverts and put them in a seperate tank. I dosed the tank with ionic copper for two weeks and everyone survived. I then did a few 30-40% water changes and then added Seachems Cuprisorb in the tank. After about 3 days of doing that I added the inverts back. Never even lost one snail. The rock and sand that was in that tank during the treatment is now in my 180 that is a full blown SPS reef now.... No leaching copper as always stated....

    Long story short now that I am off topic, we need more details to recommend a proper treatment, if your question is simply 'Does QC work?' then yes, it does work, well...

    Happy treating and good luck!!
  6. jeeprider

    jeeprider Astrea Snail

    Mar 18, 2009
    Not sure what brought on the outbreak, other than putting in the Raccoon Butterfly. But he's now showing signs of ich also. I don't have coral and I do have snails and Seastars. I have just enough fish in my tank for a 55 gallon tank. 1 in per 4 gallons. I don't have a QT. All the fish are still eating well, only problem is when I feed twice a day, the nitrite levels go up. From what I've read, I'm supposed to feed them in the morning and in the eveing, kinda like the way they would feed in the wild.

    If I use QuICK cure, will that hurt the bacteria levels needed for the reef environment? If I use copper, where do I get the type of stuff I need to use?
  7. Dr.Fragenstein

    Dr.Fragenstein Panda Puffer

    Oct 30, 2008
    SE Wisconsin
    Malachite green will kill the snails and stars, and also some of your beneficial bacteria. I honestly would use Ionic Copper. Aquarium Systems sells one, can't think of the name, also Marine Enterprises used to make a copper formalin combo called CFX not sure if is still on the market but THAT one works GREAT.

    You will also need to buy a copper test kit A GOOD ONE!! Not APIs use the Aquarium Systems one or better version.
    You should also get some cuprisorb...
    Thats all you need and you should be able to find it at a LFS or online

    Good luck!

    EDIT... Remember the copper will kill stars and snails as well!!
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  9. jeeprider

    jeeprider Astrea Snail

    Mar 18, 2009
    I'll try to sell the snails and seastar back. Not sure if they'll take it. Otherwise I may have to take the loss. If I use the copper, will that effect the beneficial bacteria? Since I don't have a QT, I'll have to use the main tank to do the treatment.
  10. tronb24

    tronb24 Coral Banded Shrimp

    Sep 28, 2008
    Largo, FL
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but...

    Keep in mind if you treat your display tank with copper you will potentially have problems with keep inverts in the future, because that stuff will leach back into your system.
  11. jeeprider

    jeeprider Astrea Snail

    Mar 18, 2009
    I figure it will probably be in the sand or even on the rocks. Either way, if I use copper or the Quick Cure product, I can't keep inverts. I'm worried that I may loose all my fish soon if I don't act soon and I don't have the extra cash and time to set up another tank. Live and learn this time:-( If I use either stuff, I was using Ick Attack. Will I have to do a water change first before I use either method? Also. I was thinking if I use either, i can take out the old sand at least and replace it with new "live sand". Wash the rock rocks I suppose.