Question about the RDP Article

Discussion in 'Refugium' started by Guest, Apr 6, 2002.

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  1. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Yeah Jimbo, you know I have been doing a lot of research on the DSB vs. Plenum debate lately and I am actually swinging back towards DSB a bit now. Where as I was leaning towards plenum before, now I think I am neutral. I did leave a note on the homepage about it. I will be redoing the sand section again and explain more soon.

    I did add stuff on DSB in the sand section last week if you missed it. I think you should go a little deeper with the sand. Somewhere between 3-5 inches. Some say as high as 6 inches but I think that is reaching ant farm proportions personally.

    As far as wet/dry's being 'nitrate factorys' I don't subscribe to that from my own experiences with them. I will say they do not lower your nitrates as well as a sand bed. With a good sand bed and proper maintenance, your nitrates should not be high.

    I have heard that about rock placement and sand too, but I believe that means within good reason. You do not want to have most of the base on the sand because it may prevent good circulation in my opinion.

    Usually people only add the phosphate remover when they have a problem with phosphates. ;)

    You never have told me how much rock you plan to get Jimbo! This would be helpful.

    Can't wait to see those pics!!!
