QTing with or without preventative medicine

Discussion in 'Diseases' started by Bob F, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. Bob F

    Bob F Bristle Worm

    Jan 28, 2014
    New Jersey
    All what is your practice on QTing? Do you medicate QT right away or do you wait to see a problem? Do you put in basic anti fungal, copper hypo? Do you freshwater dip before even putting into QT? The reason I just completed long fallow period due to Brooklynella and put 2 survivors back in and all doing great so far (knock on wood). However, I swore I will always QT in future, so buy my first new fish in months Coral Beauty and fiefish and put them in QT. Low and behold, after 2 weeks in a fully cycled QT, Coral Beauty develops what looks like marine velvet dull hazy color rubbing gasping and died. I freshwater dipped firefish and put in another QT tank but looks like he is listing to the side but no other signs. Could it actually be my luck that I get Brooklynella and velvet (could be the same since very similar) in first year of hobby or are these things that common I know ich seems to be but I get the absolute killers? URG. At leats not in main tank
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  3. oldfishkeeper

    oldfishkeeper Giant Squid

    Aug 13, 2012
    did you buy the fish from the same source? I've kept salt fish for 20+ years and have not had brook (to my knowledge) but definitely had velvet. I would say it's not that common to experience these two diseases in such a short period of time but not impossible. I would be concerned if I had bought both of the fish from the same supplier.

    I'm not one that has a lot of experience with medicating so hopefully others will chime in but I don't know that you need both the medication and the freshwater dip??
  4. Bob F

    Bob F Bristle Worm

    Jan 28, 2014
    New Jersey
    Thanks, no, not from same LFS. I am going to completely clean out and disinfect all my QTing equipment and start again. I am also going to QT one fish at a time. THe only other thing I am thinking about doing is adding preventative medication to QT but i was always a believer in no meds if not necessary. However, when I read QT procedure there seems to be more opinions than hobbiest LOL. I guess this is the part where you to take all of what you read and use your own brain to figure out what is right.
  5. oldfishkeeper

    oldfishkeeper Giant Squid

    Aug 13, 2012
    yes, you do need to make those calls on several things in this hobby :)