Prism Skimmer

Discussion in 'Product Review Archives' started by Matt Rogers, Feb 2, 2002.

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  1. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Red Sea makes good stuff. Anyone try out this skimmer?

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  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    you spelled prizm wrong! but's a fine skimmer, I am using one.
  4. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    oops! so i did! ;) anyway thanks for stopping by ... about the prizm... is it loud? up to what size tank can you have with it? how would you compare it to the Turbo-Flotor? (maybe misspelled too!)


  5. fshub

    fshub Guest

    ok vor small systems, where money is not consideredan option, but way overrated, IMO, i fyou wnat a hang on, aqua c(remoras), abut they are much more money
  6. karlas

    karlas Fire Goby

    Feb 20, 2002
    berwick, PA,Pennsylvania
    we'll be getting one soon. i wanted to stay skimmerless but had a big problem with cyano. it was covering rocks, glass, and sand. but have gotten it pretty much under control except for some of the sand. figured with a little xtra help we could get rid of the rest of it. im kind of hoping it gets rid of it and we could remove it or use it part time to keep things in check. i still cant figure out why we had it because all is good even phosphate 0 and nitrates were real low. so i'll let you know if it clears up the rest or not. its the new design with the extra impellers supposed to be better than old model.
  7. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Glad you are getting a skimmer. I think you will grow to like them as much as me. ;)

    A lot of people seem to like the Prisms and it is hard to beat the price!

    I know that was a big fan of the Remora, so I was surprised a bit, but I understand, for your use the Prism fits the bill.

    As far as the cyano goes, Bob Goemans from FAMA said something really interesting the other month. It really stuck in my mind.

    Somebody he was helping had a major algae problem covering everything in the tank. They checked off everything one by one and couldn't figure it out. Then Bob asked him if he was cleaning the glass with Windex. He was, a lot. Bob told him to stop, and, after he did, the algae went away! Ends up the ammonia in the Windex gets pretty airborne and leaches into the tank causing algae blooms!

    Well that story made me wonder enough, so I am probably too paranoid now to use it anymore. Are you using it??

    Just a stab in the dark, but who knows!

    ~windex substitute: diluted vinegar. or just water.
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  9. karlas

    karlas Fire Goby

    Feb 20, 2002
    berwick, PA,Pennsylvania
    ive been using just water but bruce has used windex before so maby thats whats affected it. at 1 pt it was almost all gone instead of red it was brown and green and didnt spread at all once i took it out it stayed out but then all of a sudden red showed up again. there have been several alge blooms so far, (thats why ive waited on corals). the rest of them burnt themselves out or i managed to get rid of them but this stuff is the worst. its like freddie just when you think its gone keeps comin back ha ha! should have the prizm this week.
  10. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Are you lights old Karla?
    That can bring on that algae too.
  11. karlas

    karlas Fire Goby

    Feb 20, 2002
    berwick, PA,Pennsylvania
    there as old as the tank an thats about 6 mths they still seem pretty bright. should we change them soon?
  12. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    What kind of lights do you have Karla?

    With fluorescent bulbs, some hardcore folks replace them every 6 months. I think you can stretch it to 8+ months. My main reason is economics. With a lot of bulbs in a hood, this can be expensive. Some get around this by staggering their replacement.

    Purchasing a light meter could help resolve the question of when to do it also. Do a search online on this for more details. If you have fluorescent bulbs and can't afford to do it every 6 months, I would do one of the above.

    I believe this time table applies to power compacts as well.

    About your cyano.

    After giving it some thought, I believe it went down like this. You are just seeing it now after having the tank up six months right? This is because, since you don't have a skimmer, the organics/nutrients have accumulated in your tank to a level that encouraged cyano growth. This accounts for the delay. The nutrient accumulation plus I am guessing a low oxygen environment gave cyano its start.

    Now that you are getting a skimmer I think it will address the organics and oxygen issues and the cyano should go away eventually. That stuff is tough. There are some chemical solutions out there, but I think that is putting a band aid on it and not addressing the source of the problem. Testing your fresh water for phosphates and silicates would be a good idea also.

    The effects of lights on cyano appears to be debatable, but I would stay on schedule there, esp. as you add corals.
