Pocillopora Damicornis COTM June 2011

Discussion in 'Coral of the Month' started by Corailline, Jun 1, 2011.

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  1. Corailline

    Corailline Super Moderator

    Sep 8, 2010
    It is a dry heat, yeah right !
    Pocillopora Damicornis, Coral of the Month, June 2011.


    Distribution: Occurs in shallow water habitat from exposed reef to mangrove swamps. Found throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
    Coloration: Ranges from brown to green, purple and some pink hues.
    Care level: With regard to the general guidelines for keeping other sps, EASY.
    Lighting: Moderate to intense. Grows well under PC lighting high in a tank. Coloration and growth is improved under T5 and Metal halide. I can not address how the coral does under LED.
    Placement: Tolerates a wide range of placement under T5 and Metal halide lighting, again with best coloration under the most intense lighting.
    For best results IMO mid to upper levels.
    Flow: Moderate to high, with dense growth under higher levels of flow.

    Specific gravity: 1.023-1.026.
    Calcium: 350-450.
    Alk: 8-11.
    Magnesium: 1350-1500.
    Temperature: 78-82.
    Nutrition: Occasional feedings with phyto (per liveaquaria) is recommended. I have never witnessed a feeding response. I do however offer Rod's Foods once a week.
    Common names: Califlower coral, Brush corals and Cluster coral.

    One of the easiest and hardiest of the sps. A fast growing that will out compete other sps, secondary to growth rate and it's ability to sting other sps with long sweeper tentacles. Sweeper tentacles can be seen in the second image.
    While I have had no spawning events of this coral, it is reported to spawn readily in the home aquarium. Other hobbyist have reported that after a spawning event the corals could be found growing on the sides of the tank and covering rock work, stinging existing corals. ORA also reports that Pocillopora has the ability to reproduce via poylp bailout.
    I have found this coral to be very easy to frag, with the mother colony and newly fragged pieces showing polyp extention almost immediately after cutting.
    While I have not found any specific scientific information regarding this corals aggression. I can say from my own observations, that it's best to watch it around more sensitive and expensive acropora. A small frag just recently caused some damage to my Formosa. I have had to move the mother colony on a number of occasions after it's sweeper tentacles came into contact with other corals.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
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  3. Aaron.Herk

    Aaron.Herk Sea Dragon

    Oct 18, 2010
    Akron Ohio
    Very imformative write up. I have never had any pocillopora.
    1 person likes this.
  4. FaceOfDeceit

    FaceOfDeceit Hockey Beard

    Jun 24, 2010
    Charlotte, NC
    Very nice. On my list of soon to be purchased. Thanks for the extra info.
    1 person likes this.
  5. inwall75

    inwall75 Giant Squid

    Sep 10, 2003
    Great pics and write-up Cheryl. Once they get large enough, they will reproduce as ORA states. (In fact, it can be a little annoying).

    (They don't eat phyto though)
    2 people like this.
  6. Corailline

    Corailline Super Moderator

    Sep 8, 2010
    It is a dry heat, yeah right !
    Thank you. :)

    Thank you. :) Mine is somewhat on the brown green side, you can find much more colorful ones at ORA and other sites.

    LOL, Curt I knew it would not get past you, and I almost put zooplankton, but I could not find any reference material. The reason I included the Rod's Food is because while not really zooplankton it does have a lot of protein via many seafood products like oyster eggs and such.
    1 person likes this.
  7. leighton1245

    leighton1245 Horrid Stonefish

    Oct 28, 2010
    Sweet I have one of these mine is bright almost neon green and I think it grows some what fast :) Ill take a pic tonight i have a Pocillopora crab in there also caring for it.
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  9. Corailline

    Corailline Super Moderator

    Sep 8, 2010
    It is a dry heat, yeah right !
    Great, I would like some images of Pocillopora with different colors, and the commensal sps crab.

  10. Dingo

    Dingo Giant Squid

    Aug 1, 2009
    New Freedom, PA
    Very nice Cheryl! I can say this coral really gives a love hate relationship... You love it for growing so fast and so easily, but you hate it for killing everything else and spawning all the time!
    1 person likes this.
  11. progman2000

    progman2000 Astrea Snail

    Nov 17, 2010
    Great write up, I have been looking for an "easy" SPS, thanks
    1 person likes this.
  12. Magnus

    Magnus Sharknado

    Jan 13, 2010
    Knoxville, TN
    Very nice article and coral pics, Corailline!

    Sent from my phone using my two opposable digits
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