New Member 180 gallon Just setup ** Spike Question **

Discussion in 'New To The Hobby' started by qualitydaydream, Nov 23, 2008.

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  1. tigermike74

    tigermike74 Panda Puffer

    Sep 24, 2008
    Southern CA
    You are getting more oxygen in the tank, which is why the pH is going up. I keep my pH about 8.3. I have a power head at the water surface to help with the oxygen exchange. I turn it off when the ph gets to 8.4 then turn it back on when it gets to 8.2. Your skimmer will also help oxygenate the water as well. It won't skim away bacteria, don't worry about that.
    Check your dkH as well, that is the key that helps prevent pH swings.
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  3. Bogie

    Bogie Snowflake Eel

    Feb 7, 2008
    You need to test your pH at the same time of the day (lighting schedule) to see if it remains consistent. It will fluctuate some from day to night.
    I test mine just toward the end of the day (just before the lights go off).
    If you Alk is high enough, your pH will be more stable. Read through the "Water Chemistry" threads for more info on that. Your in the right direction.
    As for the skimmer. +1 on get it going asap with all that poop your fish are putting out. Also, bacteria to break down amm to nitrates lives on the surface of your glass, rocks, and sand, so don't worry about skimming it out of the water- ain't gonna be a problem. 8)
    And as for the UV filter, I'd use it for a fish only setup which you have right now. It may be beneficial to reduce the amount of parasites in the water and keep your fish healthier while they adapt to the new environment. The next thing you need is some good high power water movement, so maybe get yourself a couple of Hydor Koralia #4s. Point one toward the surface for water/air exchange and one toward your front glass to bounce back onto the rocks or whatever to keep fish poo and uneaten food from settling and algea from growing. Algea (cyano) doesn't like high flow areas ;).
  4. Otty

    Otty Giant Squid

    Nov 20, 2006
    Elizabethtown, IN
    I would also get a PO4 reactor going ASAP. You really don't know what all was added to the tank in the years before you owned it and nutrients will soak into the rock and then release back into the tank. I run one 24/7..I don't currently have a PO4 problems but then again I don't want one either.
  5. qualitydaydream

    qualitydaydream Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Nov 23, 2008
    Ahh thank you Otty & Friends.

    I will get a PO4 reactor, where should I purchase it? I would like to support site sponsors yet still get a good price.

    I was told It may be a good idea to get a Refugium and a skimmer in it as well instead of the over the top type of skimmer like I have now, what are the advantages of that?

    Also how should the lights on the timer be set I have 1 x satallite 48" setup currently, do I need more light? What should the timer schedule be?
  6. fishoholic

    fishoholic Purple Spiny Lobster

    Oct 3, 2008
    Albuquerque NM
  7. qualitydaydream

    qualitydaydream Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Nov 23, 2008
    I am going to keep corals, soft & Hard + Fish

    I actually have a 48" satallite and 24" but have to angle it to close my hood.

    Ok I just found out something pretty bad, I have the Red Sea Prizm Skimmer, no need to tell me its poop I will get another one but which one for my one 180?

    What model aquac remora would be best?

    In my FX5 I am running those little white circular phosphate reactors on the bottom 2 levels and on the top some more with carbon and a bit of that white filler material.

    I plan on doing an overhaul yet keeping my FX5, maybe a refugium or is that not necessary?
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  9. bmshehan

    bmshehan Fu Manchu Lion Fish

    Jan 4, 2008
    Columbus, Indiana
    Worrying about if you should start up a skimmer or not is for new tanks started from scratch, not established tanks that have been moved. The Bullet series is a very high quality skimmer from what I've heard, I think Otty has one. Get one that will be oversized for your tank, maybe a Bullet 3? Or maybe 2 you would have to check with someone else. A fuge/sump/wetdry would be a must also if your not worrying about money right now, I would get those things going and not cheap out, get the best of the best, you will be happier in the long run!
  10. Viper3166

    Viper3166 Feather Duster

    Dec 17, 2006
    NorthEast PA
    Welcome to 3reef!!! you are in the right place i came about this forum about 2yrs ago with my 72bow that i setup for my now ex gf, everyone here got me in the right direction. now i have a 180 like yourself up for a yr and few days and boy big project like everyone else take it slow. Getting a good skimmer is a must with this size tank, i went mid range and now looking to upgrade. along with a overflow and sump. getting those two things and you will be rolling in mud. keep us posted with tons of pics which i've failed to do myself with the amount of time the tank takes up. GOODLUCK!!