"Missing" Coral from Orders

Discussion in 'Coral' started by RichardinMa, Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. RichardinMa

    RichardinMa Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Nov 22, 2011
    I have placed about 5-6 orders for corals over the last few weeks from various individuals and companies and, with one exception, every single order has come in missing one item. When I contact the seller/business I am told that it was a mistake and that they will replace it on "my next order". The frequency with which this is happening is really starting to make me think that this is a sales tactic rather than mistake after mistake. Does this happen to many others as well or have I just had the worst luck running?
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  3. Reloadeddevil

    Reloadeddevil Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Mar 2, 2011
    It shouldn't be "we will make it up on next order". You should tell them thats their mistake and they need to make good on their mistake despite their out of pocket shipping expenses. Its their fault or mistake and they need to take responsibility for their so called mistake. You paid them with your hard earned money and you expected some form of merchandise in return which didnt happen so get them to ship it you. Or next time give them less money and say i will make it up on my next order to see if they will act in good faith.
  4. FaceOfDeceit

    FaceOfDeceit Hockey Beard

    Jun 24, 2010
    Charlotte, NC
    I have had this occurrence happen twice to me, both from separate companies. I could not tell you if it is a sales tactic, as I have never ordered from those particular retailers since.

    EDIT: I want to state that I was refunded the price of the coral in both instances.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2011
  5. pink4miss

    pink4miss Panda Puffer

    May 11, 2010
    Bucks County, Pa
    any company thats worth ordering from will send the item right out to you at their expense. i recently had this happen. an item was missing from my order when i called they said they were sorry and yes it was there and would get the item out that day. and they did at their expense. they also allowed me to add another small item to the box at no shipping cost to me. i only deal with a few companies for ordering fish and corals on line. these companies are always recommended on the forums, and for good reason, great customer service and quality stock with a 14 day guarantee. rarely have i had to use the guarantee.
    i would tell the companies you want your money refunded or the item shipped. if you charged it you can file a claim stating you never received the item. you can also do this with paypal if that was used. if you have to go to this extreme i would never deal with the company again.
    whats happening to you is not normal business procedure.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2011
    1 person likes this.
  6. RichardinMa

    RichardinMa Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Nov 22, 2011
    One company has offered to credit me on my next order, plus send the item for free so I really can't argue with that. They do have more things that I would like to get so it will not be a big deal. It just seemed that it was a strong coincidence but I guess just bad luck.
  7. pink4miss

    pink4miss Panda Puffer

    May 11, 2010
    Bucks County, Pa
    they should send the item or refund your money