Micro Blastos (Blastomussa Merleti)

Discussion in 'Coral of the Month' started by mikejrice, Jul 1, 2015.

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  1. mikejrice

    mikejrice 3reef Affiliate

    May 24, 2009
    Distribution: Indo, African and Australian reef zones although uncommonly found
    Coloration: Reds and greens though I've not seen only one specimen so far
    Care level: Medium difficulty
    Lighting requirements: Medium
    Flow: Medium to high

    SG: 1.023-1.026.
    Calcium: 400-500.
    Alk: 8-12.
    Magnesium: 1350-1500.
    Temperature: 76-82
    Growth: Comparable to candy canes

    Blastomussa wellsi is a commonly collected species of coral although there seems to be little reference to it's genera relative the blastomussa merleti. These smaller blastos which I've come to refer to as "micro-blastos" share nearly all attributes with common blastos other than their distinctly smaller polyp size. Typical corallites form at about half the size of their larger cousins' with tighter branching forms coming as a result. Branches form in parallel arrays much more akin to candy canes than common blastos. Polyps are standard blasto form with a larger, colorful skirt surrounding a, generally, contrasting inner oral disc.

    This colony came to me about a year ago now and has since been grown, split, grown and split again. So far it's been extremely adaptive under nearly any type of lighting including metal halides, T5s or LEDS and it's shown great growth rates in nearly any type of flow. Like other large polyp stonies merletis will feast upon meaty foods and grow even faster as a reward.

    Fragging micro-blastos is very similar to candy canes due to their tight growth patterns and brittle branches.

    zesty, Billme and Corailline like this.
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  3. Corailline

    Corailline Super Moderator

    Sep 8, 2010
    It is a dry heat, yeah right !
    Those are beautiful Mike. The Wellsi has always been one those corals I just do not have the best luck with.
    mikejrice likes this.
  4. Va Reef

    Va Reef Giant Squid

    Jun 6, 2010
    Chesapeake, Va
    They come in purple too! I much prefer the Reds however.
  5. mdbostwick

    mdbostwick Vlamingii Tang

    Feb 21, 2013
    Canton OH
    I have a small number of these which I have been struggling with for the past year almost. Had them at the bottom of the tank under my leds and now they are not in direct light and have been doing slightly better, SLIGHTLY.

    I really like them and hope they do better. Any suggestions you can offer?
  6. Va Reef

    Va Reef Giant Squid

    Jun 6, 2010
    Chesapeake, Va
    I've always considered care similar to acans/micromussa. Low indirect light but decent flow. If they have good flow of just give them time.
    mdbostwick likes this.
  7. mdbostwick

    mdbostwick Vlamingii Tang

    Feb 21, 2013
    Canton OH
    Yeah not much luck with the one acan i have either. They are both in the same area but now i think maybe they don't have enough flow. I may have to look into relocating them somewhere with more flow but similar light situation.