Marimo Moss Balls

Discussion in 'Algae' started by codyrickman, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. codyrickman

    codyrickman Plankton

    Feb 14, 2012
    Hello all!

    I have had a bit of trouble with algae and was wondering if Marimo Moss Balls would grow in a saltwater tank? My friend got me some and they are just sitting in a jar. The slip of paper that came with them says they can be placed with either FW or SW fish but I can't find any information that supports that claim on the web. I also have two turbo snails and some macro algae which has helped some. Thanks!
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  3. whippy

    whippy Sailfin Tang

    Feb 10, 2009
    Etown, KY
    Reading about them shows minimal salt for health so probably not. Might survive brackish, otherwise I wouldn't.
  4. Foreverfishy

    Foreverfishy Purple Spiny Lobster

    Apr 20, 2011
    Erie, PA
    Just from googleing marimo Ball I see that it is only FW. Secondly what type of algae do you have, when was the last time you replaced lights, what do you have in your tank etcc.. This could give us a better idea to answer your question
  5. codyrickman

    codyrickman Plankton

    Feb 14, 2012
    I have:
    1 Banded Hawkfish
    1 Sixline Wrasse
    1 Matted Filefish
    1 Bangaii Cardinal

    It's a 50 Gallon Tank, Two small Actinic Bulbs and One MH. I have Two turbo snails (larger end) and 6 or 7 small hermit crabs. The turbo snails do a good job of cleaning the rocks of algae, however it usually grows back once they leave that rock. Thanks.