Manhattan Reefs - Fall Frag Swap - Sunday November 8th

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by manhattanreefs, Oct 19, 2015.

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  1. manhattanreefs

    manhattanreefs Plankton

    Apr 12, 2012
    The Manhattan Reefs Fall Frag Swap is being held Sunday November 8th at Pace University in downtown Manhattan.

    Manhattan Reefs Fall Frag Swap 2015
    Sunday November 8th 10A-6P
    Pace University
    Downtown Campus - Student Union
    Downtown Manhattan, NYC (near Wall Street)

    We're gearing up for this to be our biggest swap yet and tickets are starting to sell fast. As always, we are limited in how many people we can admit, the only way to guarantee admission is to prepurchase tickets via the RSVP link. You can find the link to buy tickets at the BOTTOM OF THE FIRST POST HERE:

    The Swap Forum will soon be filling up with people selling and trading corals, follow all the news here:

    Guest Speakers
    Dr. Craig Bingman
    Christine Williams

    Confirmed Vendors
    Cherry Corals
    Dr. Mac Pacific East Aquaculture
    Pop Corals
    Pieces of the Ocean (POTO)
    Jason Fox Signature Corals
    And more....

    As always, admission Includes
    Catered Lunch
    Product Samples/Giveaways
    Free coral for first time registered members

    Schedule Of Events
    10:00 AM - Door Open
    11:00 AM - Speaker 1
    12:00 & 12:30 PM - Lunch
    1:00 PM - Fragging Demonstration
    2:00 PM - Speaker 2
    3:00 PM - Fragging Demonstration
    4:00 PM - Raffle
    6:00 PM - Doors Close

    Hope to see you there!

    -Manhattan Reefs