Lionfish SMASH!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SaltLifeChris, Oct 21, 2011.

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  1. brunoboarder244

    brunoboarder244 Torch Coral

    Jul 15, 2011
    Bronx, NY
    no offense taken but when typing long things when it is not school related i get lazy lol
  2. Click Here!

  3. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Some good discussion here and glad to see people stay in bounds for the most part and catch themselves when needed.

    I highlighted this thread because I simply thought it was a good cause. I do think when we show support for these issues it is good for the hobby too on many levels.

    I'd like to see some follow pics here after the event and more details if possible if you get a chance.
  4. brunoboarder244

    brunoboarder244 Torch Coral

    Jul 15, 2011
    Bronx, NY
    If you read where it is highlighted in red they do mention on how they are trying to educate people on how to handle lionfish. I must have had a brain fart before because i didn't think to point out that part of the event.
  5. Renee@LionfishLair

    Renee@LionfishLair 3reef Sponsor

    May 16, 2010
    Coastal So. cal
    I would LOVE to get my hands on one of those big ole ones.

    Give extra credit to all the marine students to go and kill them, free tank fills to divers who want to go out and help, volunteers from the community. Encourage restaurants to serve them. Offer them cheaper per pound than their other fish. Increased customer demand through advertisement and word of mouth. I would really love to try one myself to see if they are as good as they say.

    There needs to be more exposure to the general population. Someone go get Nat Geo!

    I saw pics of one guy spearing the lions through the tails in a row and let them wiggle there alive.... for sport..... How can we expect these sportsman to have any sort of respect for the animal when the advertising does not. Every life deserves a little respect.... except spiders. Spiders deserve to DIE!!!!!!

    I'm not a "Fish Hugger" either. I think I mentioned my family were fisherman and I don't mean just dabble. I spent many hours jigging over the side of a boat while they hauled in their nets. If you don't know what jigging is, ya should go look it up. It can be quite nasty. The fish in the nets either got caught and thus ripped apart, smashed by the weight of thier friends, suffocated on deck (or by their friends) or were decapitated. Sounds bad, but they had respect. They did the best they could.

    When it's advertised as a sport, it's not taken seriously by the public.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2011
  6. Renee@LionfishLair

    Renee@LionfishLair 3reef Sponsor

    May 16, 2010
    Coastal So. cal
    I was talking generally. I should have been more specific. There are some like the sticker program that does not offer this.

    This is not the banner that "set me off", it's the last of many banners. I've heard and seen some really nasty things from peeps who have no respect.

    And it's bedtime... ZZZzzz
  7. norg.

    norg. Kole Tang

    Aug 25, 2009
    Muskego WI
    I agree completely. They are beautiful animals and should be shown respect. Torturing the fish is no part of the sport. I see your biased towards spiders though. Haha.
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  9. brunoboarder244

    brunoboarder244 Torch Coral

    Jul 15, 2011
    Bronx, NY
    the whole spearing the tail is a bit mean if you're going to kill them make it clean
  10. mirandacollc

    mirandacollc Flame Angel

    Aug 25, 2008
    Lebanon ME

    Hunting is a sport? I dont shoot a deer in the butt to watch it wiggle... I do think there are good people and bad people in all aspects of life in hunting I am sure there are jerks also. There are good drivers and bad drivers I got cut off on the way to work does that mean the whole population does not take driving serious? I am interested in this whole topic myself and would like to see what goes on. Its to bad I am close to the area and a diver but am tied up the day of the event. I would love to get a better education on these fish even thought I have a couple dwarf and a volitan in my house. I understand the fish but you can always learn more.
  11. mirandacollc

    mirandacollc Flame Angel

    Aug 25, 2008
    Lebanon ME

    And I do agree with this theory also. clean kill fast and as painless as possible.
  12. Renee@LionfishLair

    Renee@LionfishLair 3reef Sponsor

    May 16, 2010
    Coastal So. cal
    I don't mean to open the perverbial can of worms again. But someone just posted a reply to someone who has a sick lion.

    This really gets old. Maybe y'all can see a little more how aggressive people have been getting.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011