Lionfish SMASH!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SaltLifeChris, Oct 21, 2011.

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  1. Renee@LionfishLair

    Renee@LionfishLair 3reef Sponsor

    May 16, 2010
    Coastal So. cal
    It's a shame their control has to be made into a sport to get the right thing done. That you have to motivate with money and catchy names for people to want to protect our indigenous species.

    All the motivation we should need is to be educated properly. If it takes more than that, we're failing in the education of this situation. Or we're failing as human beings and hobbyist if we need a prize.

    I had someone come into my Lionfish thread one time and said if he were in my house, he would spare the *^#}%^## out of it. That's not an isolated incident. Peeps have been getting aggressive with those of us that keep them. I think the violence that is associated with the action plan has prodded their aggression.
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  3. ricoop

    ricoop Skunk Shrimp

    Jul 28, 2011
    DFW Area, TX
    I couldn't agree with you more. I do think there has been a failure on somebody's part. To be completely honest, I wasn't really aware of the "infestation" problem. I also do not see any reason to show any aggression towards a hobbyist keeping these fish and am sorry that you had to experience that. What can I say other than people can be ignorant.
  4. brunoboarder244

    brunoboarder244 Torch Coral

    Jul 15, 2011
    Bronx, NY
    no offense just jumping in here for a second but in all honesty you probably would not be able to even get someones attention about the education of an invasive species without having a catchy name to bring their attention in so although harsh the name will definitely catch some people attention. on another issue this is not directed at everyone but i am part of a younger generation then a good portion of this forum and i see it all around me, people are stupid and ignorant. Unless it has some benefit for someone most people do not care and pass it off as not my turning it into a sporting event it is being made so that it is a more attractive practice for others who would not have originally cared for it had they not been given a reason. I catch the point that maybe its not the most appropriate topic for a pet site but how do you know that this information didnt prevent a couple of ignorant people on this website from carelessly dumping their animals into the ocean. A forum is about education of what it supports and if this means that some racy stuff has to be said to catch ones attention then ok. The individual who posted this did not intend on offending anyone so why attack him in all honesty he was just trying to spread the word to some people who would maybe share his views considering that im sure a part of this forum do dive to collect specimens for their tanks and he is not the one controlling the event so why make it a bigger deal then it has to be.
  5. Renee@LionfishLair

    Renee@LionfishLair 3reef Sponsor

    May 16, 2010
    Coastal So. cal
    I'm not arguing with the OP. Don't make this about me verses him/her because that's not what it is about. There's been a plethera of these threads.

    If they are on this forum to learn about fish, most will care enough to learn about the plight of the lion if we educate them. If they are not receiving the message, we are not delivering it properly.

    Do you guys really need the money to want to do the right thing? Do you need the smash em up mentality to want to protect the ecosystem? I agree that some people do, but most people that visit this site to learn about their pets, do not. I honestly don't think the members of 3Reef are the people you need to convince, as I have found this site to be very conscienctious.

    I'm also concerned for those who DO want the money and have no interest in fish. Those who aren't anglers or divers. I wouldn't be trying to convince masses of inexperienced peeps to run in the water and handle a venomous fish. Do all of these peeps even know where all of the venomous spines are and the proper way to handle a lion? Do they know that some of the worst envenomations are from dead lions? It's irresponsible to encourage people to handle such critters without proper education/training.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  6. brunoboarder244

    brunoboarder244 Torch Coral

    Jul 15, 2011
    Bronx, NY
    some dont need the money but sadly some do but lets say you are well educated and doing it for the right reason a little bit of a reward isnt a whole big deal. i do agree on the point you have about handling these fish without proper orientation of its spines etc butan event like this would more likely get people atleast a little interested in learning more about them and im sure the people at the event will be handing out pamphlets and explaining the crisis better once everyone is gathered and im sure not everyone at this event are going to kill the lionfish, im sure some will even take a few home as a pet. also besides the whole catching of the lions they are also giving an alternative to killing for sport by giving recipes etc on how to cook them so that they were not killed and wasted. also i have seen multiple instances of people being ignorant on this forum as well and not wanting to learn the proper way to care for there fish such as asking how many fish besides a hippo tang can fit in a 20 gallon tank and when they are warned about not having a tang in a small tank they ignore any bit of educational advice given to them. you do have a right to voice an opinion but it is not necessary to be doing it in a way that may seem like a person is being attacked even if it wasnt meant to be meant to be in an attacking manner. My point is being the name and the money arent necessarily meant to be the sole reason for this event but more a catching point to get people interest in the first place and then the education can happen once a persons interest is caught. I'm an avid fisherman, diver, and i enjoy my tanks i would support something like this although prevention would have been the best way to go about things but its too late for that. I say the same thing with fishing limits and control are a necessary evil and if left unchecked it could have an adverse effect on a lot of things. so understandably its not the lionfishes fault but something does have to be done about it whether it be collection of the species for trade food or any other reason it has to be done
  7. Renee@LionfishLair

    Renee@LionfishLair 3reef Sponsor

    May 16, 2010
    Coastal So. cal
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  9. brunoboarder244

    brunoboarder244 Torch Coral

    Jul 15, 2011
    Bronx, NY
    some i was and some i wasn't, why?
  10. Renee@LionfishLair

    Renee@LionfishLair 3reef Sponsor

    May 16, 2010
    Coastal So. cal
    Ah, you got me before my edits. I changed the wording on some stuff afraid of it being misread. It's really hard to catch tone sometimes.

    I also changed a paragraph to clarify I was only talking about the people on this site.

    I've been up over 24 hours now.... my thoughts are starting to get muddy.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  11. Renee@LionfishLair

    Renee@LionfishLair 3reef Sponsor

    May 16, 2010
    Coastal So. cal
    I absolutely mean no offense, but I'm having a little trouble reading your longer posts because of the lack of paragraphs and capitals. I really want to read everything you are saying, but on my little netbook, it's rather hard. :cry:
  12. brunoboarder244

    brunoboarder244 Torch Coral

    Jul 15, 2011
    Bronx, NY
    i agree people here are better than others but there is always thos few that it may be enough of a push to look into things a bit better. I saw the title of the page and it definitely got m attention however i was previously aware of the lionfish problem in florida because i dive there often and they are especially a nuisance at dive sites because of their venomous spines and plain and simple they eat a good deal of the other fish around that we like to view as well. A lot of people are fairly aware but mostly to what concerns them like the stuff they have and run in their tanks, im sure not everyone here knows a whole lote about lionfish other than what they look like and that they have venomous spines. I actually didn't know they were edible up until now because most venomous fish aren't and those that are need to be prepared in a certain manner. The dive boat captains that i personally know usually do kill the larger lionfish and if possible only capture the smaller ones because them or another friend or someone usually adopt them into their tanks