lighting recommendations for 178 tall

Discussion in 'Reef Breeders' started by toefu, Feb 28, 2013.

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  1. toefu

    toefu Plankton

    Feb 28, 2013
    I've been doing alot of reading and pretty much think I know which fixture I should buy, just wanted to make sure I made the correct decision.

    178 gallon tall. 90% sps 10 lps/softy.
    29" tall, 24" deep, 5' wide.

    Lights can be hung at any height.

    I was thinking 3 value lights w/ 90 degree optics hung perpendicular to the tank. What would be the recommended setup?
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  3. diverdan

    diverdan Bangghai Cardinal

    Sep 9, 2010
    San Diego
    Before I read the last paragraph I was thinking 3 of the value 120w led fixtures from reef breeders. They are dimmable and from what I've read from others on this site they are amazing.

    I just switched to 2- 150w MH and 4-54w t5 and I have great penetration and love the shimmer. You get the same shimmer with LEDs but without the heat. If I had the money I would go with the led.

    Good luck in your decision.
  4. Reef Breeders

    Reef Breeders 3reef Sponsor

    Nov 22, 2010
    The 3 value fixtures the way you described them would work well, especially since your tank is only 5 feet long, you should have plenty of power for your sps.
  5. toefu

    toefu Plankton

    Feb 28, 2013
    thanks for the help.