Resolved killing apitasia / majano

Discussion in 'ASAP' started by WuWu, Nov 10, 2009.

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  1. WuWu

    WuWu Feather Star

    Sep 24, 2009
    so on one of the new zoa colonys that showed up today i have noticed 4-5 small anemone like creatures of the apitasia or majano coloring..
    I dont know if thats what they are but it doesnt matter im going to kill them regarless of what they are.
    How does injecting them with lemon juice concentrate strike you ? was gonna go bum an insulin needle from a friend here in a little bit. Any of you actually done this before ?
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2009
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  3. elweshomayor

    elweshomayor Giant Squid

    Jul 6, 2009
    Norcross, Atlanta Ga.
    i tried so many times to do it. but before the needle was even close to the anemone it would hide back into the rock..

    i ended up taking the rock out and i placed it on boiling water.. although that wouldnt work for you.
  4. WuWu

    WuWu Feather Star

    Sep 24, 2009
    lol wont work for me since the rock is covered in the zoa colony i just bought >,<
  5. bigdaddyreefer

    bigdaddyreefer Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Dec 11, 2008
    St.Louis, Missouri
    I've used products like aptiasia X, which worked to some degree. I didn't need a needle, as it came with a small syringe. It worked pretty well, but I had several apitasia around that I couldn't quite get to. So, after some research, I got a couple of peppermint shrimp (3.99 US) as apitasia seems to be something they like to munch on. I didn't expect much, but sure enough, the apitasia started to disappear.

    So, if you don't have anything that will munch on shrimp, I would suggest getting one of these. They are reef safe and pretty cheap. If this is not possible, products like apitasia X and joe's juice will kill them as well. It just might be a bit of a pain.
  6. pgoodsell

    pgoodsell Horrid Stonefish

    Apr 6, 2009
    Sparks, Nv
    Joe's Juice does not require that you have to actually inject them, you can just shoot in there direction and it will kill them. But I have seen some reviews say it will hurt zoa's too. So be careful.
  7. tatted4ever

    tatted4ever Clown Trigger

    Mar 15, 2009
    Itasca, Il
    you must get them to close with joe juice in their centers otherwise they still live......

    any aiptaisia injecting remedy will work.... especially if they are smaller ones. do it with powerheads and al flow off. so it doesnt hit your zoas
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  9. WuWu

    WuWu Feather Star

    Sep 24, 2009
    heh i shot them up just a few minutes ago we'll see how it goes. Though i did have a minor heart attack when one blew off the rock before i could shoot it up >,< it was like watchin a bomb flying through my tank in slowmo >,< lol i started to lose it >,< then i decided to stop trying to catch it by hand and got a net .. .. .. lol crisis averted >,<
  10. WuWu

    WuWu Feather Star

    Sep 24, 2009
    also .. im a tard how do i take the urgent thing off the post >,<
  11. schackmel

    schackmel Giant Squid

    Jun 4, 2008
    St. Louis
    I am using a syringe to inject the kalk solution onto my aptasia. It is a pain but if you can get the needle directly to the mouth then it works better.

    I am having such a tough time right now wtih aptasia INFESTATION. It absolutely drives me insane to see them. I was good and never had any for 2 years and then I bummed some chaeto from my mom and now my tank is infested. There must have been some in the chaeto that I had not seen. I am currently doing 1/4 of the tank a night. GRRRR! Unfortunately for every one I kill, there are 2 or so hid that I cant see.
  12. RHorton

    RHorton Pajama Cardinal

    May 11, 2007
    upstate NY
    I am in he same boat right now, for everyone I kill more just pop up. These things are driving me nuts. I have a needle but the kalk paste just clogged it up.