ick please help

Discussion in 'Diseases' started by misfitsghost, Sep 6, 2011.

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  1. misfitsghost

    misfitsghost Plankton

    Sep 5, 2011
    ok i recently bought a new porcupine puffer, a niger trigger and a feather duster (about a week ago) and i am pretty sure one of them had ick vefore i bought them but didnt notice until now. I have never had ick before. I have a hammer coral, a blue tuxedo urchin, a sand sifter star, two feather dusters, an undalted trigger, a sargassum angler, a maroon and gold clown and an emerald crab, i also have a few cromis and yellow tail damsels as feeders. Only the puffer and clown are showing signs of ick, i have removed the coral and all inverts into another tank. i have started lowering the salinty to help battle the ick. My question is Does garlic really help or is it a myth and how long does it take to rid my tank of ick?
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  3. rc_mcwaters3

    rc_mcwaters3 Clown Trigger

    Dec 18, 2010
    Valdosta, Ga
    garlic helps keep the fish eating wich in turn help them fight dieases. I think the full life cycle of ich is two months.
  4. misfitsghost

    misfitsghost Plankton

    Sep 5, 2011
    so should i drop bits of garlic in the tank or soak my silversides and shrimp in garlic? how would i go about doing that?
  5. Mindyv82

    Mindyv82 Astrea Snail

    Sep 5, 2011
    Baltimore, MD
    I've never tried garlic for treatment of ick but have found removing my fish to qt tank and using coppersafe for a month has cleared it right up. I have tried lowering the salinity, formalin baths (do not recommend), and melafix (though I can't remember if I tried this for ick or injury, I didn't like it in either case), and none seemed to work for me. Good luck, and I hope the garlic does the trick for you :)