I Hate Popeye Disease!

Discussion in 'Diseases' started by Weir_Head, Nov 29, 2011.

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  1. Weir_Head

    Weir_Head Skunk Shrimp

    Jan 22, 2011
    I lost a Chalk Bass in June because of Popeye, started in one eye, and I was hoping he just hit it on something, but then both popped up.
    I tried to help it, but it couldn't see the food, etc and he passed.

    Now, literally overnight my Pink Anthias has it going on in 1 of its eyes...

    All my levels are fine, Nitrates are a little high at 20ppm, but I don't think that's the cause. Salinity is at 1.027

    Like I said, he was fine late last night, and I didn't even notice it today until right now. He was eating and everything.
    Any ideas?

    It's just something that happens out of the blue I guess?
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  3. missionsix

    missionsix Super Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    Bend,Oregon - USA
    Do you have a lot of micro bubbles?
  4. Weir_Head

    Weir_Head Skunk Shrimp

    Jan 22, 2011
    None that I've seen...
    The only thing I've done lately as far as maintenance is cleaned out my protein skimmer and got it working more efficiently.

    Other than that, nothing has changed.

    I'm hoping, like last time, that it's just an injury and not a disease.

    With the Chalk Bass, it was one eye for a day or 2 and then both. Just really really popped out, it was bad.