Help with Favia placement

Discussion in 'LPS Corals' started by ANDRU24, Feb 6, 2009.

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  1. ANDRU24

    ANDRU24 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Jan 1, 2009
    Rockville, MD
    I have a chunk of favia about 2" x 3" with a skeletal depth of about 1.5"-2". I had it attached to some rock with super glue but the super glue seems to have melted the skeleton where it was touching.

    Is there some other way to attach a favia to LR? Should I just leave it on the sandbed and not attach it to any rock?
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  3. adam

    adam Montipora Digitata

    Apr 12, 2008
    I have my Favia just sitting on the rock about 15 inches under the 150 MH Bulb. It never falls. I have moved it a few times to reposition it. The need a lot of room around them or they sting anything they touch.
  4. Dr.Fragenstein

    Dr.Fragenstein Panda Puffer

    Oct 30, 2008
    SE Wisconsin
    If you REALLY want to attach it use a epoxy, put a SMALL amount on the under skeleton and adhere to a rock. Avoid touching the polyps too much as the more irritation the more likelihood of a bacterial infection and lost polyps.
    Also place in a spot of low to moderate flow.
    Kind of a tricky thing for me.... All my LPS get blasted with current and are never really as happy as they could be, darn SPS designed tank!!

    Happy placing!!