Help idenfiy Diseases

Discussion in 'Diseases' started by Rawdogz, Jan 29, 2015.

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  1. DSC reef

    DSC reef Giant Squid

    Dec 16, 2012
    Cocoa, Florida
    I've got a blue regal and a purple tang. My blue seems to have white spot every other week but my purple only had it briefly last year and it never has shown up again. I believe feeding good and keeping things stable have worked wonders. I'm sure over time there immune system has gotten stronger. I feed a very wide diet and I truly think it helps. It's unsightly to see a few spots on blue tang but she's fat and happy so I leave it be. It has never spread to any fish in the tank. You have to decide if treating is the right thing to do for your fish. I remember years ago that I would jump at the first sight of white spot or something wrong and treat the fish. Every fish took the same porcelain trip. Not saying it will happen to you, just sharing my experience.
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  3. oldfishkeeper

    oldfishkeeper Giant Squid

    Aug 13, 2012
    I agree in that it looks like ich. As dsc said, you may opt to treat with a good diet and keeping stress low. or - you can catch him and QT him but that stress could put him over the edge - good luck on either method you choose. It certainly is a beautiful fish. I hope he pulls through!
    DSC reef likes this.
  4. Rawdogz

    Rawdogz Torch Coral

    May 6, 2008
    thank you all. i will take all 3 advises and treat it as ich and start feeding a good diet. will keep you all posted
    DSC reef likes this.
  5. mdbostwick

    mdbostwick Vlamingii Tang

    Feb 21, 2013
    Canton OH
    Most cases of Brooklynella I have seen threads on end with the fish dying within 24 hours of it showing signs. With this, I am inclined to agree with the ich theory. Good luck and keep us updated.
    DSC reef likes this.
  6. scajeo

    scajeo Sea Dragon

    May 1, 2012
    Port Orchard, WA.
    If it's ich the QT will only rid that one cycle unless you remove all your fish and QT all of them for minimum 6 weeks this should kill all ich both on your fish and in your DT, otherwise it's pointless because ich will live on in the other cycles waiting for it's host. If you QT you also have to take into consideration hpyo-salinity treatment. As I'm sure you're aware of, QT anything when you're unsure of the water quality you received your something in whether it be sand, rock, fish, corals before you add them to your tank will help with keep ich out of your DT.

    +1 to DSC building their immune system through a wide diet is less stressful and IMO is the best defense.

    This is just my .02, take it with a grain of sand.
    DSC reef likes this.
  7. scajeo

    scajeo Sea Dragon

    May 1, 2012
    Port Orchard, WA.