Hanna Phosphate Photometers

Discussion in '3reef Radar' started by Matt Rogers, Feb 8, 2007.

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  1. YellowBelly

    YellowBelly Teardrop Maxima Clam

    Jun 24, 2007
    Newtown, PA
    I heard that you have to keep the cuvets very clean otherwise you won't get an accurate reading with the phosphate photometer.
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  3. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Thanks for the info.
    Have you had any issues such as YellowBelly is describing?
  4. jackfrost

    jackfrost Plankton

    Jan 15, 2008
    These units are the best thing going.

    Very very easy to use.

    Cleaning the jars is very easy. Rinse in RO and then wipe and let dry.

    Never an issue.

    I have periodically compared values to Salifert kits and other kits and my Hanna Inrtuments are always on. Once I had the chance to compare my unit against my friend's unit and they both tracked within their tolerances. Very impresive.

    Now that I have these units, I find myself testing more frequently, than before and the results are accurate and allow me to stay on top of things.

    People are mostly "scared" of the price or just plain cannot afoard them.

    If you are on a budget then this is product is not for you. The standard kits are the way to go with.

    However, if you can afoard this instrument and the other Hanna units, you will never go back to "old way".

    Definetly great units to have an use !;D
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2008