Freshwater Ich- Still cycling!

Discussion in 'Fish Disease' started by HolyK, Jun 27, 2009.

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  1. HolyK

    HolyK Plankton

    Jun 27, 2009
    Hi! I'm relatively new to the fish hobby, so please bear with me.

    Last week I got a new 5-gal tank with a feeder Comet and a "mystery" apple snail. Around Sunday/Monday, fish started being a bit lethargic. Didn't really notice until I put in two more similar fish. It finally became so weak and weary that it didn't move except for its front fins and breathing (near the begining of this, it'd eat and then spit flakes back out; after a while, it stopped eating entirely). Wednesday night I grew so worried that I quarentined it until I could take water sample and fish to an aquarium store, but it died overnight, exhibiting no other symptoms.

    When setting up the tank, I planted some Aponogeton (sp?) bulbs. One's flourishing, the others have little stubs that'll turn into leaves. (I don't mind killing the aponogeton, though; it was relatively cheap. Just in case this affects the tank, though, I felt it was worth noting)

    Day before yesterday I saw a couple of teeny air bubbles on my redder fish's tail, but paid it no mind. Yesterday mid-morning I grew more concerned about the possibility of Ich when I saw the "bubbles" hadn't disappeared. By the afternoon, I noticed there were more than originally, and some on the yellower fish, too.

    Today, it's a full outbreak. White specks all over the tail and dorsal fins, but only one or two on the bodies. No scratching or odd behavior yet. My tank is still cycling; yesterday, ammonia was around 0 ppm. Today, it's about 2 ppm. I added 1 Tbsp of aquarium salt yesterday, and am warming up the room to raise the water temp.

    Any suggestions on how I should approach this? I don't want to interfere with the cycling process (as it's a real headache; I'll be so glad when it's over), but I need to get rid of this ich. I removed the snail from the tank since I heard that Ich treatments can kill them.

    This is the first time I've "really tried" starting an aquarium, and doing it right. Since setting it up, I've learned that I need a bigger tank, but I want to wait until cycling is done, so as to at least not overstress my fish and kill these, too. (Still don't know why the first died; ammonia was relatively low; highest reading I got from it was 0.5 ppm. The rest were 0.25 or lower.)

    Thanks in advance! =)

    (If you want more info or pictures, just ask, though I'm not sure if my horrible camera will be able to focus on the tiny dots.)
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
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  3. HolyK

    HolyK Plankton

    Jun 27, 2009
    I'm worried that my yellower fish is getting even sicker... she's clamping her fins (as of today), and just recently (in the past hour sometime) started not moving for a little bit, then suddenly jerking about before lapsing into more stillness.

    My water temp has warmed to about 80 degrees (the AC isn't working up here, but it's not room temp (83), so that's just a guess). It was probably 72-76 three days ago. I did a water change today (more than what I'd planned to, which was 10%).

    I also started using QuICK Cure yesterday, and took out the (very mucky) filter (NOT the bio-filter!!) from my power filter, as I was warned it might have carbon in it (I'm not sure, but I'll not take the chance for the medicine not to work)

    Most of the white dots have disappeared from my redder fish's dorsal fin now, so I'm optimistic that the Ich is retreating to the gravel now (hope to see more dots gone tomorrow)

    But if anyone has any suggestions, please help. I don't want any of my fishies dying.

    And a question: will the meds (a combo of Malachite Green and Formalin) harm/kill my mystery snail? Right now it's in a separate tank until I'm done administering, but if I can, I'd like to put it back in the main tank, where the water is nice and filtered.
  4. HolyK

    HolyK Plankton

    Jun 27, 2009
    Yellower fish perked up again, and most of the Ich dots are gone now.