Free Colored Zoas

Discussion in 'Reef Cleaners' started by johnmaloney, May 8, 2010.

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  1. johnmaloney

    johnmaloney 3reef Sponsor

    Nov 23, 2007
    here is a pic of some of them, i just put the light on:

    yes you can do that, but do me a favor and put the order through the site even though it is free and you choose a free shipping option, or email me.
  2. Click Here!

  3. norg.

    norg. Kole Tang

    Aug 25, 2009
    Muskego WI
    Wow awesome zoas John. Might have to pick some up soon!
  4. johnmaloney

    johnmaloney 3reef Sponsor

    Nov 23, 2007
    thanks! there are some nicer ones and some that aren't as good looking too I guess. Sort of in the eye of the beholder, but I thought those were a fair representation. They will open more too, I just put the light on when I took that shot.
  5. ingtar_shinowa

    ingtar_shinowa Giant Squid

    Jun 13, 2009
    Billings Montana
    dang i ordered one day late for the sale and two days early for a zoa!!!!!!!
  6. johnmaloney

    johnmaloney 3reef Sponsor

    Nov 23, 2007
    the bermuda triangle of ordering. lol.

    I can add them in just email me - but you have to answer this question since you were early:

    After the promotion is over do you think $.40 a polyp is a fair price? with extras being thrown in for larger orders than that? High? Low? Would a 10 or so polyp frag mounted be worth $5, a 20 something frag $10? Let me know after you get them if that seems fair to you. Anyway I am shipping them loose this week because I like loose frags myself. But have your glue ready or you will have to camp them out on the sand.
  7. RedGambit

    RedGambit Giant Squid

    Jul 23, 2009
    Plover, Wisconsin
    John, Often when I received mounted frags of zoa's they always seemed to have been rattled in the shipping box and where broken off from the mount. So not mounting them might be a bonus, as well as you dont deal with discs or plugs and can put them right on your rockwork!.

    As for prices. Often Zoas are based more off their coloration with price rather then quantity of polyps. (Though quantity also dictates price as well) But around 50cents per polyp sounds pretty decent to me! I would stick within the .50-1.00 range per polyp. Unless you are gonna start going based off of coloration. Then find out whats more desired and what not.
  8. Click Here!

  9. reefmonkey

    reefmonkey Giant Squid

    Mar 3, 2010
    SE South Dakota
    Why yes it does! I hardly ever look at the long descrip page LOL. I'm gonna order some micro porcelain's but aint concerned with keeping them alive long term lol. Would have figuired it out though when I read the care for the talesto. I've got the perfect spots for a couple of those guys:)
  10. ingtar_shinowa

    ingtar_shinowa Giant Squid

    Jun 13, 2009
    Billings Montana
    I think your pricing is more than reasonable! This product would work well for yousince a random buch of colored zoas are usually a first coral in tanks, and as they are getting CuC's they might toss in some hardy corals as well. The flipside is alot of new reefers dont know what to do with the loose corals, so as a marketing tip maybe sell frag glue or ell them standard loclite get is reef safe for applying corals to rock. As for being loose, I prefer frags loose or at least not on rocks since rockwork is where you get bad hitchhikers! I'll send the email out now and thanks for being generous with me lol!!!
  11. johnmaloney

    johnmaloney 3reef Sponsor

    Nov 23, 2007
    awesome! no problem I appreciate the feedback. I think how it will work is I will have different frag sizes, small, medium, mini colony etc.. I would rather charge less and not do WYSIWYG. I have some that I know from browsing the web are worth more than others, but the way I see it they all cost me the same amount of money work etc.. so same price...

    Just for fun though I will have to get one zoa named willy lump lumps. You guys go along with it and it will all work out.
  12. johnmaloney

    johnmaloney 3reef Sponsor

    Nov 23, 2007
    hey guys I am sorry for some reason I had the discount off of the zoas today, so anyone who got them today ended up being charged. let me know if you want a refund or I can just send more zoas. Turns out they were all from 3reef, so I just posted it here.