Ecocomplete substrate and cory cats

Discussion in 'Freshwater Aquariums' started by junhong, Jun 9, 2010.

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  1. junhong

    junhong Plankton

    May 7, 2010
    I've seen somewhere that cory cats are susceptable to having their whiskers and undersides cut up by Ecocomplete substrate. Anyone had experience with this, if this does happen could you put a thin layer of black sand on top of the Ecocomplete?
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  3. blackraven1425

    blackraven1425 Giant Squid

    Mar 1, 2010
    I don't know how rough ecocomplete is, but I know cory cats are sensitive to rough substrate because they're on the bottom all the time. If you put a layer of sand over something with a larger grain size, the sand will just end up on the bottom of it over time.