ECO-Aqualizer, My Review, Locked and Loaded...

Discussion in 'Product Review Archives' started by CheckMateKingll, Apr 19, 2003.

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  1. Craig Manoukian

    Craig Manoukian Giant Squid

    Dec 15, 2002
    Marina del Rey, California
    [quote author=Trickman2 link=board=Product;num=1050800333;start=15#19 date=05/04/03 at 13:52:07]You guys should stay the hell away from reefcentral.  They think they know it all.[/quote]

    [glow=red, 4, 100%]Unfortunately we become so ingrained with what we have and have such defficient egos, we get in a very real "reef rut". The biggest knock on some of the other forums, is that they will never invest the time to evaluate something new and choke on their own skepticism. I can't tell you how many times opinion, doubt, and conjecture eliminate any chance of evaluating things and moving forward. Moreover, if you don't think just like they do you are treated as a moron.

    Congrats to all who have invested time an money to perform your own analysis and improve this hobby![/glow]

    :) ;) :D ;D 8)
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  3. Wrassman

    Wrassman Peppermint Shrimp

    Mar 9, 2003
    Stockbridge, GA,Georgia
    [glow=Teal, 3, 80%]Well said, Craig !!! I don't like RC anyway for a variety of other reasons (they don't know as much as they think they know, for one thing).[/glow]

    [smiley=scholar.gif] [smiley=loco.gif] [smiley=devilish.gif] [smiley=beadyeyes2.gif] [smiley=devil3.gif] [smiley=evil.gif]​
  4. Craig Manoukian

    Craig Manoukian Giant Squid

    Dec 15, 2002
    Marina del Rey, California
  5. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Oh boy. Well I think we know what the new fire-storm is in this hobby. ::)
  6. CheckMateKingll

    CheckMateKingll Feather Duster

    Mar 9, 2003
    SouthEast, FL,Florida
    Hey Gang,,,
    I know I slacked off, but,
    The time I have spent between these post I had also experimented on a period of time that I disconnected my ECO, well, let me tell ya's,,,
    It was like,,,
    Not sleeping with a blanket,
    Not eating breakfast or lunch, don't mess with my food,
    Not having tiolet paper to wipe your arse,
    Get the point,,,
    I highly recommend this Product, my tank cannot do without it, all parameters are stable and I have not done a water change in 1 1/2 months, nitrate level has not increased from 0, will wait till end of June for a Water change,
    Like it has been said, this piece of Equipt. has saved me money and my tank has never looked better,,,
    Tat is All...
  7. CheckMateKingll

    CheckMateKingll Feather Duster

    Mar 9, 2003
    SouthEast, FL,Florida
    Hello Fellow Members,,,
    It has been 3 months since my last posting on my Eco-Aqualizer and observations.
    I am excited to report that since my last report I have not performed a water change (say WHAT?) that's right, you heard me, no water change for 3 months, only top off water.
    I had chose not to for reasons that the ECO-Aqualizer had claimed and am happy with the results, results are as follows.
    1. Once a week adding of supplements, sometimes every other week, BIG SAVINGS, members.
    2. All testing has stabilized to within parameters that I am happy with.
    3. No loss of life, including Inverts and Corals.
    4. Fish are Happy as pig in, you know what.
    5. Water has maitained it's crystal clear appearence. Amazing, huh!
    Conclusion on above report.
    What more can I say, this product has delivered. I paid for it and am glad I did. I am happy with my tank and water quality.
    You ask, Could there be something else that could maintain my water quality for 3 months as reported, I think not. I had, in previous post, disconnected the Aqualizer and observed my water quality decreasing, hooked it back up and never looked back.
    I reccommend this product, in my opinion cause, I lived it.
    Thank you all for your interests in my report.
  8. Click Here!

  9. reefguy

    reefguy Astrea Snail

    Oct 6, 2003
    Ok, so you've made some nice observations here. I've been searching the web, however, for some actual test results done on this device in a scientific environment. Please don't take offense, I'm not saying that your faith in this product is unwarranted, I'm just concerned because much of what I read on the manufacturers website has been suspect. That being said, I'm keeping an open mind about it. Since you do seem to have faith in the product and I can only assume that you are comfortable with the science behind it, what do you think of what is written here (and on other sites like it):

    Magnetic Water Treatment and Related Pseudoscience

    I get the impression from my readings that this technology isn't universally accepted in the reefing community. Did you have controls during your analysis or is this purely anecdotal?

  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    If you think that the ecoaquailzer is responsible for anything other than costing you money you need to have your head examined! ::) ::)
  11. CheckMateKingll

    CheckMateKingll Feather Duster

    Mar 9, 2003
    SouthEast, FL,Florida
    Welcome to 3Reef,
    As I said it is my opinion and thanks for the link, i'm sure there are more of them, It is contraversial and many opinions, I am just one in thousands, but am happy with my results, controls, only what I thought was satifying to me, cause it is all, MY OPINION, thanks for your input, that's what this forum is for, lol.
    Wont even respond to your adolescent remark, come out of the closet, dude, hehe.
  12. reefguy

    reefguy Astrea Snail

    Oct 6, 2003
    Well, its as you say... your opinion. I guess I'm just looking for some more concrete evidence. I don't doubt that you believe the difference you've seen using it, but I'd like to see something a little more scientific if you know what I mean. I guess we'll all just have to wait until someone does a study or this technology is proven incontrovertibly with testing results.

    Aside from that, help me understand one of the points you make in your review. I've got a 55 with an EcoSystem (like you). I have a pretty sizeable number of LPS corals in my tank and my calcium consumption is pretty high. You say that when using this device your need to put in additives has decreased. What additives specifically are you talking about? How do you maintain Ca/Alk in your tank now?

