Duncan coral still won't open!

Discussion in 'Coral' started by sjn1282, Feb 11, 2014.

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  1. sjn1282

    sjn1282 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Oct 10, 2013
    south florida
    Not too long ago i got a duncan and it was opened for a few days then stayed closed for about a month now. I have another post about it and another coral not looking good. I thought it was dead but i kept it in there cuz i could see the inside glow with tissue under the blue actinics. I have moved it around trying to find somewhere it likes and started to notice that now it will come out just to where the top of the skeleton is and then retracts back into it. It will do this all day and wont come out and show its beauty. What could be the problem? I just moved everything into a new tank this weekend, started using kent's reef salt instead of the instant ocean, same sand and rocks, 25 gallons of new water and 25 old water and it is still doing it. Any ideas of what it could be? Ever since changing to the reef salt all my other coral looks great and it thriving but this one. Parameters are nitrite and nitrite at 0, ph at 8.2, calcium at about 450, not sure on alk and mag because i need to get a kit for those but with the amount of kents i made for the new setup they should be where they need to be and like i said everything else looks great. My hammer has come out farther than it ever has, palys look awesome, hollywood stunner chalicw has gotten its color back, green flower pot looks great and streaching out far, candy cane is plump, and zenia are waving. Not sure why it peaks out and goes back. Here are some pics of the corals.

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    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
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  3. oldfishkeeper

    oldfishkeeper Giant Squid

    Aug 13, 2012
    Not really related to your post, but I really like your tank and scape :)

    I have not had luck with duncans either, I don't know why - I really like them too. Hopefully, someone will chime in to help - I'm interested to hear the input.
  4. sjn1282

    sjn1282 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Oct 10, 2013
    south florida
    Thanks! I just set it up over the weekend. Its a black 54 gallon corner tank with internal overflow made by all glass aquarium. Got it on craigslist for cheap. It didnt need it but i light sanded and re painted the stand, painted the back glass walls black, and painted the white led i had black. The scape took a while to get how i wanted it but we all know thats a job in itself lol. The hardest part was getting the powerhead and return to make the flow like a current so everything sways instead of gets blow to one side.
  5. BrianJ

    BrianJ Peppermint Shrimp

    Sep 20, 2009
    Sugar Land, Tx
    I don't think you have enough light how many lps do you have?
  6. ClippersTown

    ClippersTown Fire Worm

    Apr 24, 2013
    Burbank, CA
    you got anything that might be laying down on him, or bugging him? those tiny yellow goby's tend to do that, causing duncans to retract. if not, do your lights get to it? is it a full spectrum LED lighting unit?
  7. sjn1282

    sjn1282 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Oct 10, 2013
    south florida
    Ive tried moving it to the middle in my old tank and it did the same thing. After seeing all the pics of them in the sand i put it down there. I can move it back up and see if it works in the new tank. I have the duncan, flower pot, and hammer. The candy cane and chalice are sps right? Then the zenia, and palys are soft coral correct? Thats all my coral. I have a 120 watt led fixture which is 55 leds at 2 watts each. I had 2 fixtures over my old tank cuz it was long but this is a corner so i could only use 1 and it covers the whole tank.
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  9. sjn1282

    sjn1282 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Oct 10, 2013
    south florida
    I have a falco hawk that used to post on it when it was on a rock in the old tank. He hasnt really been around it in this one. It did get knocked off a rock and into the sand in this tank by a snail and thats when i put it upright in the sand and it was coming out earlier and then retracted again. Ill move it up and put it where no one can disturb it. What about flow? Do they like slow, fast, medium? I get different reviews when looking it up.
  10. Camkha1234

    Camkha1234 Great Blue Whale

    Jan 17, 2012
    Orlando, FL
    I would think that if there wasn't enough light, the Duncan would be stretching towards the light to get as much as possible?
  11. sjn1282

    sjn1282 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Oct 10, 2013
    south florida
    Thats what i have read and heard from lfs that if there isnt enough light it will stretch to get more. Thats what they told me when i had the power compact lights.
  12. ClippersTown

    ClippersTown Fire Worm

    Apr 24, 2013
    Burbank, CA
    that's what makes sense to me too, but apparently if they're not getting enough light, they just wont have the energy to open up like that, cause they're slowly dying(?). well not dying, but lacking energy.