Clownfish Spawning

Discussion in 'Tropical Fish' started by cody3819, May 3, 2016.

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  1. cody3819

    cody3819 Bubble Tip Anemone

    Sep 23, 2015
    What are some signs of a clown about to lay eggs? My female ocellaris has gotten plump over the past few days and has been hanging out in the back of my tank under a overhang. She comes out to eat but stay kinda in the shadows and so does the male.... She is normally the "boss" of the tank.

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  3. Pickupman66

    Pickupman66 Tassled File Fish

    Jun 29, 2010
    Winchester, TN
    Look for them cleaning an area and getting it ready to lay eggs on. on the eve before she lays, you will see a little tube extend down from her that she will lay with.
    Lovemyreef2015 likes this.
  4. cody3819

    cody3819 Bubble Tip Anemone

    Sep 23, 2015
    That's awesome to know.... I haven't seen her lay eggs, and she slimmed back down ? I did add a lock line return splitter so maybe that had her a little confused? But she seems back to normal? But thanks again for the info.

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