Algaefix Marine by API

Discussion in 'Algae' started by steve wright, May 2, 2011.

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  1. twoifbysee

    twoifbysee Astrea Snail

    May 28, 2011
    Thanks for the info i started dosing thursday just wanted to be sure where to dose i started with 5ml i have a 55G tank with around a 10G sump started getting the dreaded green hair algae i think its mainly because my skimmer broke and my ro/di broke all in the same week and i neglected the tank with tap water for about 2-3 weeks and in my local area the tap water has 1.0 phosphates so it was an accident waiting to happen i got a phosban reactor and a new ro/di, got my phosphates down to 0 atleast on my test my nitrates are 0 as well but they could be higher just being used up by the algae so i'll update with my progress so far


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  3. steve wright

    steve wright Super Moderator

    Feb 17, 2009
    shenzhen Guangdong PRC
    That sounds like its working very well for you Sacul
    you got some positive results sooner than I did
    it was dose 5 or maybe 6 before I really noticed the effect
    although like you and others on this thread
    I did notice micro algae development slowed down from the off
    with glass scraping much less frequent these days
    once per week is adequate in my case now

    your right with your summary above
    the skimmer and the RODI being out of action at same time
    was certainly likely to cause issues

    some before and after images please, if you can
    the mind works in pictures
    and for anyone considering using this product
    they would appreciate seeing the type of before and after shots

  4. twoifbysee

    twoifbysee Astrea Snail

    May 28, 2011
    ok will do i'll try to get some close up shots of the algae tomorrow in that first picture you can kind of see it on the background
  5. Sacul1573

    Sacul1573 Millepora

    Dec 1, 2010
    Steve, I'm sure part of the equation is that you were already working off of a LNS, while I am still working on achieving it. Which, in your system, might have taken a few more doses to finally overcome what little algae remained? My thoughts, at least...
  6. DarkEarth

    DarkEarth Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Mar 17, 2011
    Orlando. FL
    Anybody have an opinion how this product may work on Green Water algae blooms?
  7. m2434

    m2434 Giant Squid

    Jan 11, 2011

    It should, from here, it is extremely toxic to most phytoplankton:
    Poly(oxyethylene) (dimethylimino) ethylene (dimethylimino) ethylene dichloride - toxicity, ecological toxicity and regulatory information

    I calculate that the dose of Algaefix raises the tank to about 1ppm. From the source listed above, it is toxic to all of the phytoplankton listed from .001 to .012 ppm.

    However, it is a very powerful chemical that could potentially harm other organisms in your tank. Even a quick die-off could cause more issues than it's worth IMO. No one can keep a phytoplankton bloom going on it's own, so it will go away on it's own. Run carbon, do water changes, wet skim etc.. it will go away. Heck I'd probably even borrow a UV sterilizer for a few days before putting a very powerful biocide in my reef. I'm sure it would work though LOL.
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  9. inwall75

    inwall75 Giant Squid

    Sep 10, 2003
    :thumbs_up Easily the best way to kill off a phyto bloom.
  10. DarkEarth

    DarkEarth Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Mar 17, 2011
    Orlando. FL
    LOL thanks M2434. I believe you're helping me already in my ASAP thread about my greewater problem and we are currently in hour second day of Blackout. So far so good, just a small ammonia rise in the last day.

    I was thinking diatom filter or UV.

    Last comes to last, I might try some of this Algaefix when I run out of options.
  11. twoifbysee

    twoifbysee Astrea Snail

    May 28, 2011
    well i did my third dose yesterday and all the algae is turning grey and dying its working great so far ill post pictures later but now im seeing a small patch of cyano in the corner on the sand of my tank
  12. steve wright

    steve wright Super Moderator

    Feb 17, 2009
    shenzhen Guangdong PRC
    sounds like it started to work for you twoifbysee

    pictures would be ideal, before and after shots really help people considering this product as a method of algae control