Algaefix Marine by API

Discussion in 'Algae' started by steve wright, May 2, 2011.

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  1. barbianj

    barbianj Hammer Head Shark

    Sep 27, 2009
    Port Washington, WI
    Agreed, Steve, but I remind myself that there are hundreds of types of red, green and brown algaes. It looked like it affected the tips of the green, but that was about it. I'm going to change my RODI filters, do a water change and keep up with the H2O2.

    I turned the lights on the FOWLR back on yesterday afternoon. 90% of the algae on the rocks is dead fuzz now. I'll go in there with a brush and get a little off at a time. The glass is still spotless.
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  3. barbianj

    barbianj Hammer Head Shark

    Sep 27, 2009
    Port Washington, WI
    Here is a close up after a quick scrub with a toothbrush. The green algae is much easier to kill with the H2O2. All of the corals are doing good except these two. The Favia continues to bleach even though it was moved completely out of the light. The War and Peace coral has been closed up for the last few days. It never looks like this. It was moved to a slightly lower light area as well. I started a fresh reactor full of carbon last night, and I'll do a water change in the next few days. I'm sure they'll be fine.

    I want to wait until after the corals start to recover to continue with a weekly maintenance dose of Algaefix. It doesn't look like a cure-all in my tank, but it did seem to help with minimal side effects. We'll see how it does as a weekly dose. I will continue to spot apply the H2O2 until the green is gone.



  4. barbianj

    barbianj Hammer Head Shark

    Sep 27, 2009
    Port Washington, WI
    Here's one of the FOWLR. Most of what's left is some red algae, and a bunch of dead fuzz. The stuff came off of the back glass with a soft brush. Most of the dead algae was brushed off of the rocks as well. Having the lights off for a number of days helped the whole process.

  5. steve wright

    steve wright Super Moderator

    Feb 17, 2009
    shenzhen Guangdong PRC
    great updates again barbianj

    definitely winning the battle against all algae types in both your set ups it appears

    a lot cleaner than both 1st images
    I do not see any green left at all on that reef image

  6. twoifbysee

    twoifbysee Astrea Snail

    May 28, 2011
    Question do you guys dose algaefix directly in into your tank? or in your sump?
  7. Sacul1573

    Sacul1573 Millepora

    Dec 1, 2010
    I love this stuff as well. As Steve mentioned in his OP, even with carbon dosing (as I do), he wasnt able to get rid of everything. Same with me, and algaefix has gotten me much closer.

    I now wipe the glass maybe once every 7-10 days.

    I do notice my chalice bleaches a bit the day after dosing.

    I had a small episode of cyano once, but that was due to a lack of carbon dosing for a 36 hour period, and a dose of algeafix right before... lots of excess nutrients. Lapse of planning/concentration on my part.
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  9. steve wright

    steve wright Super Moderator

    Feb 17, 2009
    shenzhen Guangdong PRC
    either would be ok IMO twoifbysee
    I have dosed directly into the tank, as I am not running a sump
    you do need to account for the extra water capacity but err on the side of caution, safer to add a couple of mils less, than a couple of mils more IMO

    great feed back, thank you
    Do you have any images of the progress Sacul 1573
    people searching these threads at a later date
  10. Sacul1573

    Sacul1573 Millepora

    Dec 1, 2010
    Images are hard to compare, as my picture taking skills have somewhat improved, as lacking as they still are. I do believe you can make out the difference in the short hair algae, and see the beginning development of some purple coralline. In the last pic you can see the remains of some cyano that mildly bloomed as a result of my (in)actions discussed in a previous post.


  11. steve wright

    steve wright Super Moderator

    Feb 17, 2009
    shenzhen Guangdong PRC
    Thanks Sacul

    I can definitely see the green fuzzy algae seems to have cleared up nicely in the after images

    how many doses have you done
    and at what point was the difference really noticed?

  12. Sacul1573

    Sacul1573 Millepora

    Dec 1, 2010
    I am dosing 8 ml at a time, as I figure my system's volume is conservatively 80 gal for all dosing purposes (dont want to overdose). I dosed every three days as suggested, it was after second dose I started to notice film algea clearing up, and after the 3rd dose noticing the fuzzy algae receeding. After that third dose we left for the weekend, and thus did not vodka dose for about 36 hours. Cyano was evident upon returning due to excess nutrients of algae dying off and insufficient bacteria to consume those nutrients.

    I stopped dosing for 1 week while cyano was dealt with, and have now resumed, currently on my third dose again. At this point I am happy with what I am seeing, and am reducing the dose frequency to once per week.