Algae out off control!

Discussion in 'Algae' started by kiarah, Jan 4, 2009.

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  1. kiarah

    kiarah Coral Banded Shrimp

    Oct 26, 2008
    Yes i was not happy bout the tank crast either! it happed on the only week end i went away! The power must have tripped out shortly after i left home and when i returned after 2 day the tank was frezzing cold no filters running nothink! and i lost one off my clowns which i was quite lucky i guess as i could have loast the lot. So now i have 1 clown & im goging to get him/her a new partner after i have moved the tank & let it settl at my new house. And a few days after the tank crash the cyano showed up so i guess it could have been that or the fact i changed my lights from 4 t-8 to 2 t-5 & 4 LED tmc lighting bars?
    Im hoping it over now so i just wait it out & see. my next battle is the possible bryopsis! I have heard this one is the mothers off all problems........& people are just guessing that its that from the picture & im sure you can only get a 100percent id if you look at it under a micro scope so im going to treat it as if its bryopsis & if any one has any good input on this one that would be great! ( as long as is not the 'your screwed!' comment i have read so much when i look up bryopsis)
    I had it on two rocks that i took out & put in my Qt tank so i could grow it & see if it is that but forgot to put the lights on so its pretty dead! but thanks to my uv being turned off durring treating the cyano i have 1 small rock that seems to have it & 1 large rock that has a tiny patch on it ....... so what to do now?;D
    Thanks K
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  3. Tangster

    Tangster 3reef Sponsor

    Aug 16, 2006
    Well on the 1st page the green feather looking green stuff is or looks to be definitely a species called Bryopsis plumosa thats bad news But the good news is elevated levels of magnesium will kill this type off fairly well Use Kent's Tech M as its a mix of the mag Sulfate and Chloride works the best. Get the level to 1700 ppm for a 4 or 5 weeks . Also water looks to be very acidic or really low DKH and Calcium is low also making water soft and a little yellowish . Need to harden the water up a bit to help control the cyano's I see else where ,, And increase water flows to the bottom of the tank Cyano love acidic warm water with low oxygen content .. Oxygen is its worse enemy its a bacteria the red you can see is just a cocoon the bacteria produces to tent its self from oxygen. On the last page of photos you posted there was a gray or bluish looking fleshy looking growth that may well be a sponge ? Hard to tell from the photo angle and lighting.. But Kick the Ca. And Carbonates and mag up and keep them there add some good carbon also will remove the yellowish tinge.
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  4. kiarah

    kiarah Coral Banded Shrimp

    Oct 26, 2008
    Hi all sorry to start this off again but i did my params 2 day and they are....... ammo , nitrite & nitrate 0 ph 8.3 but kh is 90-100 Is this to low? but my calcium seems to have gone back up to 500! so i no you said my dkh is low & so is my calcium which i have not added anything to my tank so i dont really get the calcium unless its gone up cause off my salt mix? but is dkh the same as kh? the cyano is still gone but i just wanted to make sure all my params are in check before i start messing with the mag to get rid off the brynosis and i dont think they are,
    Thanks for the help!