180 gallon aquarium chip-Dead or not?

Discussion in 'ASAP' started by Snowby, Feb 4, 2013.

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  1. Snowby

    Snowby Astrea Snail

    Nov 8, 2008
    Salt Lake City, FL.
    Am a little freaked out as I have noticed a very small chip (not crack) on the inside of my 180 gallon aquarium. It is roundish, mid-way up on the inside about 1/16 in. into thickness of the glass and approx. 3/4 in. total across. Does not look like the integrity of the tank is in danger but i'm worried. This must have happened in transport. At present the tank is empty and repairs could be made if there is an option available. My local glass company's are no help as are the autoglass repair dealers. The web has offered up zilch. There is only one area on the bottom of the chip that has a slight rise to it. Just enough to catch a fingernail. Approx. 3 mm long. the rest is smooth. I am looking for any advice on this. And I mean any... The tank is new but was bought 2nd hand. Never set-up. I apologize if this was not entered into the correct thread. I couldn't find any other place appropriate.

    Here are some photo's. Again, Thank you all for your help and advice.

    Attached Files:

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  3. 55gfowlr

    55gfowlr Zoanthid

    Jul 5, 2011
    Daytona Florida
    That looks to be on the inside. My tank has one like that but it's on the outside and my tank holds just fine. Just simply knowing how glass works, anything on the inside can eventually compromise the integrity of the wall. With that said, I don't know if simply filling the hole will solve your problem or not. It also looks like it's slightly inside of the seam, which again, is another point at which a lot of pressure sits. Is the ding more than halfway through the seam?
  4. Greg@LionfishLair

    Greg@LionfishLair 3reef Sponsor

    Oct 17, 2011
    Coastal So. CA
    Chipouts are finite, and cannot propagate, so as long as you see no tiny cracks at its edges, and the seals are OK, you shouldn't have any problems.
  5. Snowby

    Snowby Astrea Snail

    Nov 8, 2008
    Salt Lake City, FL.
    The ding is only 1/16 in. deep into the seam. The glass is 1/2 in. thick. But like you mentioned, I don't want it to propagate farther. Should I put an epoxy resin of sorts into it? I am at a loss as I have no experience with this sort of issue.
  6. tank1970

    tank1970 Bubble Tip Anemone

    Nov 5, 2010
    what kind of stand is it on? It should be fine - or could be that the stand is not balanced and applying pressure to one corner.

    I had this happen to a 75 gal with no issues. A friend had this happen to a 90gal and did spring a leak.

    are the braces in tact?
  7. jcoreyblack

    jcoreyblack Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Jan 22, 2012
    Seneca, South Carolina
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  9. Snowby

    Snowby Astrea Snail

    Nov 8, 2008
    Salt Lake City, FL.
    Well after calling multiple glass and autorepair glass company's no one was willing to look at it. Since I recently had a rock chip repaired, I drove to his shop and took the mechanic to my house. We were able to inject resin through the small 2 mm area open on the bottom of the scallop and evacuate all the air. The only visible area looks like a 1 cm scratch. The scalloped area has vanished and there is no visible defect from the front or side with the naked eye or magnifying glass. I'm going to fill it and let it sit for about a week or so while I build a stand. Thank you all for your input and I'll keep the forum posted. Am going to eventually start a 180 tank build thread for this tank if all goes well with the water test. I have much reading and many, many, many questions for you all. Thanks again
  10. Nuebie

    Nuebie Peppermint Shrimp

    Sep 27, 2012
  11. 55gfowlr

    55gfowlr Zoanthid

    Jul 5, 2011
    Daytona Florida
    Bump for updates.....
  12. Denbf58

    Denbf58 Plankton

    Dec 19, 2009
    Selden NY
    hope all works out for you just remember 180g is alot to find on your living room floor not
    to mention the loss of live stock.