Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everythin

Discussion in 'I made this!' started by SantaMonica, Aug 9, 2008.

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  1. Jakerupe

    Jakerupe Skunk Shrimp

    Apr 24, 2008
    St. Louis, MO
    LOL I think that came from left field with a slapshot!
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  3. JayLloyd73

    JayLloyd73 Astrea Snail

    Dec 4, 2006
    The way I see it this post started out as a great DIY idea for me NOT that it replaces anything but you must remember alot of us dont have the money for every comercialy sold new device that comes out. I am always looking for something to add to my reef that I can build on the cheap, thats what this started out as, the title was misrepresentive of what it can do I think but Santamonica was very polite and informative untill being attacked, and speaking only for myself I havnt been offered to buy anything. Once again I don't have RODI unit I dont have money for UV unit, and other Items like calcium reactors and so forth, so any DIY project to help with one area is appreciated, tackled nitrates with DIY coil denitrator so i'm personaly willing to try algae scrubber for phosphates worst that can happen im out like 20 dollars.
  4. geekdafied

    geekdafied 3reef Sponsor

    Oct 25, 2006
    Dont take this the wrong way.... This is an expensive hobby. You would be out more then $20 when you start losing corals. He shows no data backing anything up and from what he says, he hasnt done this for longer then a few months.

    goto google and search for Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover and read the other 20 threads hes started on this where people have shown him hard data saying just the opposite of what he claims and he totally ignores it.
  5. JayLloyd73

    JayLloyd73 Astrea Snail

    Dec 4, 2006
    I've been in the hobby for a few years and I am pretty pleased with the results i'm getting, I do know its an expensive hobby but you can do many DIY projects to offset the cost, I dont believe this will kill any of my coral although if I had any sign of them reacting id simply dicontinue use. So many times on here I see people say things like just go buy this product or that product its only 200 dollars or whatever the case may be, but alot of times if your willing to try and make something yourself you can save alot of money. I get things as I can afford them, I havnt seen anyone say this would kill corals at most i've heard water may turn color if not kept up, the point is its not replacing anything but could be a good addon, now if you have the money for every new comercial product that comes out and get good results thats awsome but some of us do'nt and believe it or not still have a nice reef set-up. So yes it can be expensive but done over time and sensibly you can do it very cheaply and affective.
  6. geekdafied

    geekdafied 3reef Sponsor

    Oct 25, 2006
    You cannot keep sps using a ATS alone. The yellow and green tinge you get, will kill sps corals. That is why people stopped using it 20+ years ago.
  7. inwall75

    inwall75 Giant Squid

    Sep 10, 2003
    Let's all calm down with the vitriolic commentary. This is 3Reef after all and not RC (and let's not ever walk down that path).

    I am probably the only other person on this board who has used an ATS so I know what they can and cannot do. Heck, I've run every type of filter known to mankind at one time or another. I know what I like and the reasons why I like it. However, there's more than one way to skin a cat. Other people may take an entirely different approach. However, if they have learned it's pros and cons and take steps to fix the cons, then fine. I made my recommendation on Carbon and UV from personal experience as well as the experience of anyone who had ever purchased an ATS from Adey. However, Santa Monica has a way of minimizing the gelbstoff with his unit that could NEVER be done with an Adey unit simply due to size. He's only been running his for a couple months. His water is clear still so he thinks the problem is gone completely. It's not. I at one time was going to open up my own Bonsai nursery. I had about $30 grand in trees. Let's just say I understand plants, how they metabolize nutrients, etc. His water will eventually turn yellow but lets just deal with that when it happens.

    In other words, it's Matt's duty to decide SM's motives. If you want to argue over the flaws or strengths of SM's designs, fine. But lets all just calm down.
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  9. inwall75

    inwall75 Giant Squid

    Sep 10, 2003
    SPS corals also are not able to deal with the secondary metabolites that turf algaes exude.

    This is allelopathy at it's finest.
  10. JayLloyd73

    JayLloyd73 Astrea Snail

    Dec 4, 2006
    I understand it's not a stand alone unit I said as an addon I will still keep my sump and fuge along with my canister filter and my protein skimmer, and DIY coil denitrator, but if usedin conjunction with these other means might be helpfull is all I was saying. Usualy when someone starts a statement with no offense it is offensive or there would be no need to say no ofense in the first place I was simply trying to explain there are others like me who enjoy alot of DIY projects and they really give you a sense of self satisfaction as opposed to going out and buying something.
  11. SantaMonica

    SantaMonica Fire Shrimp

    Jun 15, 2008
    Santa Monica, CA, USA
    Exactly. Enter a DIY scrubber.

    No, it really can do these things. Mine is, and many others are too. I'm compiling a list of those folks right now.

    Oh you've missed it. That is the calling card of some other bozo's on other sites: "Algae kills corals!!". Yes, that is what they say. I wonder how many free skimmers they are getting from the manufacturers.

    Yes that is the main benefit of the small size.

    But if it can just make it to the end of the month, then it's a moot point because I have to drop in carbon once a month to handle allelopathics, which are unrelated to scrubbers. What some folks want you to believe is that if you install a scrubber on Day 1, then on Day 2 your water will be "piss yellow". Yes that's the term they use.

    Not true, because: 1) Bacteria consume the metablites. 2) Many many tanks are thriving with sps and algae filtering. I'm compiling a list of those folks now. Even I, who don't like sps, put a few frags in my tank for testing, and yes they are doing fine.
  12. geekdafied

    geekdafied 3reef Sponsor

    Oct 25, 2006
    And people say Im arrogant, hahahahaha!
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