Is my RO membrane working properly...and how do I know when to change it?

Discussion in 'SpectraPure' started by SpectraPure, Nov 6, 2009.

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  1. SpectraPure

    SpectraPure 3reef Sponsor

    Sep 10, 2009
    reefer dane,
    I see no problem with what you're doing, however be aware that slightly low pressure will only affect the production, (how fast you make water) and the rejection (how much TDS is removed), it won't "burn up your membrane". You will want to purchase a TDS meter and properly test the RO water before it goes to the DI, use the calculator here to ensure you are at least 96%. If you're not you might want to add a booster pump. This is important to know because the better your rejection, the less your DI will have to work, hence the more water you'll be able to process before they become exhausted.

    Note: Unless you have a color-indicating cartridge, you'll need a TDS meter anyway in order to determine when the DI needs to be replaced. Typically for saltwater aquariums, a reading above 1ppm would be time to change.

    Hope that helps.
    SpectraPure Inc.
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  3. reefer_dane

    reefer_dane Astrea Snail

    Jun 14, 2013
    Sarasota, FL
    Shane, thank you for the help. Got my TDS meter in the mail yesterday and made some RO water today. My rejection is 99% at 40 PSI. My tap water was at 144ppm, before DI- 1ppm, after DI- 0ppm. Thanks for such a great product!!! I think I will hold off on the booster pump. Thanks again!
  4. SpectraPure

    SpectraPure 3reef Sponsor

    Sep 10, 2009
    Knowledge is power! Money well saved sir;D

    SpectraPure Inc