Comments on photo id OMGTheresAFaceInMyRock in the album "Nanos" created by Iraf

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  1. Zectra
    lol... i had to look for a few minutes, i see several faces...
  2. cuttingras
    that is too funny and yes I see it too! wonder how much you can get for it on ebay? :lol:
  3. Swifty1189
    I sure hope if you got a little one that hides in there he comes out okay?
  4. Matt Rogers
    Matt Rogers
    I've seen that face on Mars.
  5. Onjinsan
    (in my best Irish brogue) Oh my God, it's the blessed Virgin Mary!
  6. conjuay
    I am of the considered opinion you have spent FAR TOO MUCH time starring into that tank!