Need Help ASAP SWC 160 Cone URGENT

Discussion in 'Protein Skimmers' started by xmetalfan99, Mar 23, 2010.

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  1. xmetalfan99

    xmetalfan99 Giant Squid

    Aug 19, 2009
    morgantown, wv
    I decided to look under my tank before bed and I found the skimmer's water level to be far below what it should be and a few HUGE bubbles going up the body along with millions of microbubbles. I closed the valve all the way and the water lvel still barely made it to the start of the cup. I unplugged the skimmer and took it apart. i tried to open the pump, but wasn't sure exactly how to do so and I didn't want to break anything. The skimmer has been running on my tank for about 5 days and up until this point I have not had an issue with the level of the water in the body of the skimmer.

    There are no large bubbles or anything like that. This is what I found. The skimmers water valve is almost completely shut in this photo.

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  3. xmetalfan99

    xmetalfan99 Giant Squid

    Aug 19, 2009
    morgantown, wv
    it looks as though there are microbubbles coming out of where the venturi meets the pump. They are coming out of the body itself it seems.
  4. xmetalfan99

    xmetalfan99 Giant Squid

    Aug 19, 2009
    morgantown, wv
    After a long and productive phone call with C.J. we believe we know what the problem is and are moving to get it resolved. I am amazed by his willingness to help me with the problem at 11PM Denver time and 2AM my time. A huge thanks goes out to C.J. and I love the fact that I purchased this skimmer. The price and the amazing customer service is great and one of a kind. Definitely what all of us want when it comes to LFS or in my case not-so LFS.

    Thank you again.