Granular Ferric Oxide

Discussion in 'New To The Hobby' started by shoebox, Feb 26, 2011.

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  1. shoebox

    shoebox Bubble Tip Anemone

    Jan 23, 2011
    Granular Ferric Oxide is this a powder or is this small rocks? I know it says Granular but if I was to you this in a canister filter what would keep it in?
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  3. Crimson Ghost

    Crimson Ghost Blue Ringed Angel

    Nov 14, 2008
    Somewhere south of disorder
  4. m2434

    m2434 Giant Squid

    Jan 11, 2011
    I used to run it in a canister filter, it actually worker really well. I had to make my own filter bag though. The filter bags they sell have holes that are just too large for GFO. So, I'd get the filter bags that that the sell for the wisper bioroller filters, whatever they call them, for carbon and empty the carbon.

    They have a plastic insert in them to maintain their form and allow them to slide into the whisper. I'd cut this at the top, leaving the horizontal bar across the top and plastic snap. If you look at one, it should make sense. Then fill this with GFO and close it with the plastic snap. Then as a precaution, take one of the normal filter bags, and put this in the normal one. Pull the string to close it tight and tie the string around the bag and just put this in the canister filter.

    You can reuse this, so, you don't need to buy often and it's just a few bucks for a 3 pack of filter inserts.
  5. pink4miss

    pink4miss Panda Puffer

    May 11, 2010
    Bucks County, Pa
  6. m2434

    m2434 Giant Squid

    Jan 11, 2011
    Just to add... I forgot to mention, if using in a canister, you may need a little more as it might not be quite as efficient. I probably used about 30% more than the recommendations for a reactor. Also, I don't know what size your tank it, but for a larger tank, it may be worth buying a reactor. 55g or less a canister is probably fine.
  7. gazog

    gazog Kole Tang

    Nov 26, 2007
    Check out Bulk Reef Supply, they have pictures of exactly what it looks like. They also have some of the best prices out there for GFO and Carbon. Using a canister for GFO would be really inefficient IMO, GFO is supposed to tumble slowly for it to be efficient not be packed into a filter bag. I use BRS's Dual Reactor for Carbon and GFO and you cannot beat it for ease of use. I use a Maxi Jet 1200 with mine.
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  9. shoebox

    shoebox Bubble Tip Anemone

    Jan 23, 2011
    Well I am just planning for the future. I don't have a sump or plan on having one [hopefully] any time soon. I guess the real question is does it work in the canister or just not as good as a reactor. Thanks for all the help.
  10. m2434

    m2434 Giant Squid

    Jan 11, 2011

    Well, I know Randy, who wrote the article pink4miss posted runs it mixed with carbon in a canister filter (or "ran", not actually sure if he still does, he's disappeared lately) . It is nominally less effective. No big deal. You don't want too much flow though as it can become pulverized and the dust may irritate some corals. I ran it at about 180gph throughput. I wouldn't go much more than that.
  11. pink4miss

    pink4miss Panda Puffer

    May 11, 2010
    Bucks County, Pa
    i didn't post the article Crimson Ghost did, i just read it and found it informative
  12. shoebox

    shoebox Bubble Tip Anemone

    Jan 23, 2011
    OK so the canister is a rena xp4 so that is 450gph so that might be to much. its cool its a learning process. And I am learning the ant farm my have been a little cheaper.