Losing scales then death??? Help!

Discussion in 'ASAP' started by Biggs2003, Jul 7, 2009.

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  1. Biggs2003

    Biggs2003 Flamingo Tongue

    Jul 7, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    Two weeks ago I purchased two blue/green chromis and had 2 more put on hold for later pickup from a not so local pet shop. I noticed that the started to lose a few scales a day or so after I brought them home, figured it may be normal stress reaction and thought nothing of it. A day or two after I noticed the first fish had lost it's scales the 2nd one I bought started the same thing. Both fish ended up dieing in a mater of a week. I test my water religiously, perform water changes bi-weekly and keep a very watchful eye on the tank. I also had the fish shop test my water to confirm that my findings were correct, which everything checked out :
    0 ppm ammonia
    0 ppm nitrite
    10 ppm nitrate
    ph 8.4
    temp: 82F
    phosphates: .5

    I really don't add anything but trace elements. Water is filtered well water. I'm using a HOB canister filter for this 20g tank, 20lbs live sand, 20lbs of live rock, myriad of cleaning crews. Only tank mates are two very healthy fake clowns, 2 anemone's. I also have a few polyps and mushrooms in the tank.

    Now, i picked up my other fish I had on hold after testing the crap out of my water and ever time it checked out fine. Now one of the two are exhibiting the scale loss while the other one is fine. See attached pic. Can you identify what's going on?

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2009
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  3. reefer Bob

    reefer Bob Montipora Digitata

    Jan 19, 2009
    Largo, Fl
    Is it just me or do they look yellow. Mine are actually blue and green combo. They could have a parasite and are scratching them off on the rocks. Just a guess or maybe getting stung by the anemone
  4. Biggs2003

    Biggs2003 Flamingo Tongue

    Jul 7, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    Should I freshwater dip?

    The anemone isn't it the same section of tank. The fish is actually in a floating breeder tank.
  5. PackLeader

    PackLeader Giant Squid

    Aug 17, 2008
    Reno, NV
    What are the levels of the elements you are dosing?
    Is anyone picking on them?
  6. Biggs2003

    Biggs2003 Flamingo Tongue

    Jul 7, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    I'm dosing with an all in one solution all premixed. I was concerned with the levels of everything but calcium as there should be more than enough in my water. As for getting picked on, the fish hasn't been around another fish since it was in the tank at the fish shop. I separated it after acclimation.
  7. elweshomayor

    elweshomayor Giant Squid

    Jul 6, 2009
    Norcross, Atlanta Ga.
    maybe its the food you give them?? what kind of food?
    try to do a water 25% water change, today and tomorrow and see if that helps.

    it could also be a parasite and/or a fungus. try to see them with a magnifying glass and see if there is any trace of fungus or a parasite.
    don't tropical fish do better in temps of 76-79?. Do they eat well?
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  9. Biggs2003

    Biggs2003 Flamingo Tongue

    Jul 7, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    They're eating frozen brine shrimp.

    I looked at the wound, looks like well, all the scales are missing and it's down to flesh. there's nothing hanging out, doesn't look like there are any obvious parasites hanging on. Looks like it rubbed all it's scales off in that region.

    The tank fluctuates a few degrees during the day, so the 82 was just the tank temperature at the given time when I did my water params.

    One thing i didn't add was that I have a Current USA Satellite PC system. Wonder if the fish is getting sun burned?

    going now to do a 25% water change.
  10. lotzofish

    lotzofish Fire Worm

    Aug 25, 2008
    I've never seen a chromis live very long after getting the "band of death".. I've lost 5 of them to this crap, and I never figured out what caused it... Two of them did live, but they never got the "band". I suppose that my point is that if they live, please tell me how you did it because I never had any luck with them living for long afterwards.
  11. Biggs2003

    Biggs2003 Flamingo Tongue

    Jul 7, 2009
    Gainesville, FL
    He seems to be getting worse. Looks to be bleeding now. This is starting to tick me off. I hate feeling helpless with things like this. Wish I knew what's going on with him.
  12. elweshomayor

    elweshomayor Giant Squid

    Jul 6, 2009
    Norcross, Atlanta Ga.
    well if you say the temp changes then that could be the problem.
    water in a tank should stay about the same all the time. One or two degrees difference max (two is pushing it)
    the reason why, is because.. in the ocean the water is so vast that temperature doesn't change by a whole degree, thus, if your water is at different temps everytime that can induce mayor stress.

    do your fish rub on the surfaces? how do they swim?