Cyano just wont go away!! Help!

Discussion in 'Algae' started by haugcm2, Apr 24, 2011.

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  1. haugcm2

    haugcm2 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Apr 24, 2011
    So, I've had my 55 gal tank for about 6 or 7 months now. Is was doing fine until I noticed red stuff starting to grown on some of my rocks, which I foundout to be cyanobacteria. It rapidly spread out over the tank and onto the sand. I had my go-to aquarium guy from my local fish store come over and re-adjust my water flow and we even added a second pump... but it doesn't seem to be going away very well. In the high water flow areas it is, but there are some where it remains. I keep the water at 77-78 usually and have the heater set to kick on at 75. I keep the actinics on about 10 hours and the white lights on 8. Any suggestions as to what I can do to help get rid of it?
    I heard of maybe getting a diamond goby to help clean the sand??
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  3. steve wright

    steve wright Super Moderator

    Feb 17, 2009
    shenzhen Guangdong PRC

    increasing the water flow was an ideal start IMO
    You will have to manually remove the cyno thats there, using a syphon during the weekly water change
    you may have to look at increasing flow again to the areas concerned

    lighting schedule sounds fine to me
    its excess nutrients that cause cyno rather than lighting in general
    low flow areas, means a higher concentration of nutrients that the cyno can easily take advantage of

    do you measure your nitrate and phosphate levels
    as an excess of those nutrients would prolong the existance of the cyno

  4. haugcm2

    haugcm2 Spanish Shawl Nudibranch

    Apr 24, 2011
    Well, I have yet to go out and buy the kits to test myself, but my fish store right down the road does free tests and I test about once a week. Last time I tested, about 6 or 7 days ago, everything was spot on. I'm afraid to get the cyano off of the sand for fear of stirring up too many nitrates... I did just buy some microbacter though...
  5. jbraslins

    jbraslins Teardrop Maxima Clam

    Jan 15, 2011
    Wake Forest, NC
    Reduce feeding, pull it out by hand or syphon where you can. Add diamond goby to keep sand stirred. Above 3 completely removed it from my tank. It used to be pretty bad.