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by Vinnyboombatz at 10:55 AM
(5,982 Views / 1 Likes)


A big thank you to Jeff at Marine Depot for sending me a new toy to play with.:)

What it is??
From TAIKONG Technology Ltd.
Simply control aquarium devices through smart phone or tablet.

Unfortunately I do not own an Apple phone but I was able to download the Beta App. on Google Play for my Nexus7.The only difficulty I had on setup was getting the device to reset(flash blue).The "button" if you can call it that; has little to no "feel" so it is hard to tell if you are actually pressing it.Once I got the reset it paired almost instantly.This is a list of supported devices which has grown with the addition to...
by WFOgixxer at 3:31 PM
(8,341 Views / 2 Likes)
I decided to do a nano in my bedroom. Started with a used biocube 14 and cut the top off and polished the glass edge to make it rimless. I then did some cutting to fit a decent skimmer and started building a small hood to keep it tidy.
here is a few pics of the progress.

Cut the hood off

Painted it white to match the stand.

Painted the background black as it was faded....
by DSC reef at 6:09 AM
(33,050 Views / 11 Likes)
Since I'm very fond of clams and amazed by there color and presence the add to a tank I figured it's time to have a show off your tridacna thread. I'll start the show:) This is my large squamosa I've had for about 4 years and my maxima I've had for 2. It's amazing that the squamosa was only 3" when I got him. 20150422_165545.jpg
by Corailline at 2:42 PM
(9,106 Views / 0 Likes)
My ATO container holds 5.5 gallons of water.

I have never put kalk in an ATO because I have heard that it burns out the pumps too quickly and can cause failure of the tubing. Makes sense it's such a strong base.

So if I mix 1 gallon of water with 2 tsp of kalk should the mixture be diluted enough as to not cause issues with the pump if that gallon of kalk mixture is diluted in the 4 gallons in the ATO?

by rocketmandb at 12:12 PM
(3,051 Views / 2 Likes)

This used to be a female Anthias. Not necessarily unusual for a female to change to male in this species, but I already have a male in the tank!

A few more tank pics using my new Nikon D750 on my build thread.
XenPorta © Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM